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A large group walked down the lonely streets in the beginning of September. Their laughs filled the chilly atmosphere, each voice warming up the cold air.

"This year is going to be amazing," the latina announced. Her brown hair flew around aimlessly, sometimes covering her face entirely.

"Juniors, huh?" a blond asked. He couldn't believe his words, deciding to ask for confirmation from his friends. The rest of six nodded, trying to understand how time passed them like a lovely breeze.

All of them revealed the plans for the year ahead of them, all but one. The quiet girl looked cautiously around her, experiencing a strange sensation. She felt- knew- she was watched.

"Hayley, what happened?" a dark haired guy, resembling her, questioned.

The girl locked eyes with him, patting her pocket, faking a frightened expression. "My keys," she looked back where she felt the source of the gaze. "I lost them."

"Do you want me to come with you-"

"No," she stopped him in mid-sentence. "I'll be right back. You guys wait here!" she called, jogging backwards, then turning around with a steady move and sprinting down the sidewalk.

Her heart beat increased significantly as she felt the presence of her supposed stalker. She was gifted like that, knowing, feeling things before they happened. A sharp sense of preventing that saved some lifes, even in her old city, was following her, dictating the good and the bad.

A year ago she moved, along with her parents, to a bigger city, and ever since then the feeling of being watched occured more and more. Curiosity finally pushed her to confront her fate and find who, or what, was so keen on watching her.

She took a sharp corner, stopping in front of the entrance of an alleyway. Looking further in the darkness, she saw a shadow creeping away. She was tempted to call and ask who he was, but the strange feeling inside her told her to stop. The figure looked at her, green eyes darkening with every second. She kneeled down, not breaking the eye contact and pretending to pick up something, simultaneously taking her keys out of her pocket. One second she looked down, then the figure disappeared. Chills ran down her spine as she refused to believe what had just happened, relaxing her tense muscles one by one. The inner self was wrong, she repeated in her mind.

But deep down, she knew her instinct, if you could call that instinct, was right. She stepped in a tangled mess and her only way out was the truth.


First of all, thanks for stepping by. The next chapter will be up in a matter of minutes, so if you enjoyed this prologue (which technically isn'a a prologue because it happens after the first chapter with a few months, but whatever) you can go and check that out.

Second, I love my readers, which means I love you.

Just felt like putting that out there (to make it more obvious I like TVD).
'Till the next time enjoy this handsome cat

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