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It was October 10th, 1999 when my great grandfather sat me down on his favorite brown recliner and explained to me that I was related to famous singer and musician, Anthony Kiedis. At that time,  I was only a couple months into being seventeen years old, and my great grandfather was going on ninety years. He died shortly after the conversation. I hadn't ever heard Anthony's music at the time either; hadn't given a shit about that name or that image or that arrogant rockstar lifestyle. Nothing mattered to me at that time except for one thing, that one thing being to get good grades in school and please my family, or what was left of it...

My biological father, Kurt, died when I was only three years old of supposed suicide, leaving only my drug addict joke of a mother to 'care' for me during my adolescent and even teenage years. My mom has told me several times that she was the one who killed my father that night in chilly Washington. The very first time she told this to me, far away from the press's cameras and relentless questions, I broke down and cried for what must've been three good hours. Now the murder of my father by my own mother means absolutely nothing to me or to anyone else in the family. We've moved on. We have to move on.

Everything has to move on eventually. Otherwise the world would always remain the same; nothing would ever change for anyone living here, and that would drive people totally crazy after awhile. More crazy than they already are. The world would be chaos and everyone living on this cursed rock floating in space would eventually simply...cease to exist.

Maybe ceasing to exist would be a good thing after all.

The information about sharing blood with the world-known Kiedis family took me by surprise to begin with, up until I realized that it all made perfect sense: the phone calls from a Californian phone number during very odd hours of the day, the random letters discovered in my mailbox every day from some mysterious guy named "Anthony", the all began to suddenly fit together like pieces of a perfectly shaped puzzle. He wanted to meet me. Still does. Usually I wouldn't comply with his request. Usually.

Today, however, is the dawning of a brand new era. A brand new year filled with brand new things that are yet to be discovered. My brand new life begins soon. Today is December 31st, 2001, and tomorrow will be my 20th birthday.

Early tomorrow morning, I'm flying out to Los Angeles from rainy Seattle to finally meet the man who has been desperately trying to contact me for the past eight years. He gave me his Los Angeles address in one of the emails he sent to me months ago, so that goddamn house address will be everything to me for a couple of days until he and I come face to face with each other after all these years, finally.

If I don't meet Anthony Kiedis
before an early death creeps up and steals me away from life, then this would all have been for nothing. Everything would have been for nothing.

My beautiful blue eyed father would have been brutally murdered for nothing.

My psychotic blonde haired mother would be on parole for nothing. 

My existence here would be for...well, it would be for nothing.

So for these three little reasons alone, I'm flying out to Los Angeles tomorrow to meet the man who could save me from the shithole that has been labeled as my life. Because maybe meeting this man would give me some well-needed closure for everything that's been consuming my happiness. Maybe.

Just maybe.

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