p r o l o g u e

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Senior year of high school was starting back up, and I was looking forward to it. I had a sweet girlfriend (although I knew it wouldn't last), a group of friends, and a nice, new set of stationary for all of my school needs. I was so ready for this.

It was two weeks into the year. By now, our syllabi had been turned in, and we were starting to get into the swing of things. We were in gym class, and I was playing basketball with my friends... and, well, half of the other kids in the class. The other half had chosen to play soccer.

I laughed as my shot missed the basket by a yard. "Haven't been practicing over the summer, huh, Jonah?" My friend Anton asked.

I turned. "Nah, I was busy with my summer job."

Both of our smiles quickly diminished into shocked, gaping expressions as we watched someone pick up the basketball and shoot a three-pointer with unbelievable accuracy. Seriously though, this person was, like, a prodigy.

"Hey, dude, you're pretty good." I said, walking up to him. He was pretty short to be so good at basketball, hardly even five feet tall. His gym uniform hung off of his skinny limbs awkwardly, and he wore a black hoodie that pushed his honey colored hair over his eyes and nose.

He turned towards me, and I wondered how he could even see through those curls.

"Thanks. Oh, uh, hi... Jonah." He frowned slightly as my name left his mouth, like I had hurt him and he wanted to forgive me but couldn't.

That's... that's when he removed his hood. I stopped in my tracks. The rest of the gymnasium seemed to fall away. My chest lurched at all of the memories from sophomore year flashing back. Bright, aquamarine eyes stared intently at me underneath brownish blonde halo of hobbit curls. His skin was milky and smooth, and he almost looked like some cute little anime kid.


He walked over to where the basketball had fallen, and picked it back up. "C'mon, you're holding up the game."

I blinked, and suddenly the rest of the gym became clear again. Anton grabbed my arm. "You're standing right in front of the basket, move." He hissed. I quickly jogged off to the side, and he followed. "What's gotten into you? I've never seen you stutter." He said, subconsciously running a hand over his black hair. He tended to do that a lot. "Ah, you falling for that boy? Gayyyy." He nudged me, smirking.

"What? No!" I shoved him. "I've got a girlfriend!"

"Oh, that hoe?"

"Nita isn't a fucking gardening tool." I defended her, but I knew she'd slept with at least five other guys since we started dating.

He sat down on the bleachers, and leant back, watching the rest of the people play basketball. That guy with the bright blue eyes was killing it. I never imagined him to be such a good player, even though I doubted he could even see with his hood on. "So," he motioned for me to sit down, and I did. "Why did you stutter, then?" He asked.

Omgomgomgomgomg hiii

I'm Kira, the author :)

Also, I suck at art but I drew the characters so

Also, I suck at art but I drew the characters so

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Anyway. I'm so excited that The Paper Airplanes got 9k reads! That's literally and in every way insane. Just... thank you. Thank you all so so so so much. I was recovering in the hospital after a suicide attempt when I wrote it, and it means so much to me that people actually read and liked it. :,)

This is kind of a continuation of The Paper Airplanes, but if you haven't read it, that's fine. This can stand alone as its own book as well.

Feedback on the chapter please? :3 I don't know if I'll continue this or not..

The Black Hoodies [bxb]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora