Chapter one

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Madison POV

Well like I said it's been 4 years since I have the kids I'm just waiting for now when I get home he's been at the studio all night I slept in the bed by myself with the kids all night but now the kids are not here they're out with my aunt and my uncle so I can get some rest and plan my wedding

Niall -babe I'm home I hope you got a good night sleep

Madison ya I did but the bed was cold with out and I had some dreams about my mother it hard too believe that it been 4 years since you passed away I'm wondering if she would be proud of me if she was so around

Niall- babe your mother's death very proud of you she always told you that when she was alive remember that and she still going to be watching over you at all the time she probably happy that you're living your dream on stage singing thousands of people and she probably thinks you're a wonderful mother I know I do

Niall okay so I'm going to go and try to get some rest did you say that some of the girls was going to come over and help you work on planning the stuff that you girls need to do for the wedding

Madison yes Dana and I Jesse and Jade

Niall it's good that you're still good friends with the girls in little mix and everything and so are we but it's kind of strange child Louis and Harry I broke up with Jesse and Jade but I guess they had their problems and stuff but they're better off like brothers and sisters they said

Madison yeah I've noticed some things here lately like between my cousins and his girlfriend Perrie is like she doesn't really want to get married but she keeps changing the subject and everything when he brings it up I got a feeling that there's something up with her

Niall you know your cousin's been feeling the exact same way about it doesn't know where she stands sometimes anymore with Perrie and the fact that she not sure where she stand because of is faith is very hard on their relationship

Madison well thank God we don't have to worry about anything like that. Anyways since you had a long night in the studio working on your part or are CD or what did you go to sleep you need it

Niall oh by the way just so you know things didn't work out between Louis and that girl Brianna turns out that he just wanted to have some good time if you know what I mean and party all the time and that he's like he likes to have a few drinks and everything now and then but he also wants to know if he can have a girl that you can count on when it's time to settle down

Madison you know the funny thing is that out of all of us the only true relationships that are really left from the originals are you and me and Liam and Dana you know I'm starting to wonder if Perry is afraid of commitment because every time that he brings up the wedding that he wants to have with her she keeps changing the subject

Niall yeah I figured that too baby well since I know that your family has the kids and they're out for a while I'm going to get some sleep and you beautiful once you finish planning the wedding the part you're handling you but you don't need me for but the girls come back to bed because you're going to need your rest

Madison you know after all these years you're still very over protective of me and I love that about you

Niall well you're my baby and you been through hell I don't want to see you to ever have to go through that again that's a good thing that eventually they got your ex's sister tried to shoot you that one time man she was nuts I never said something like that happened to you I just been making sure I know you're alright

Madison I'm perfect from the minute I've got with you back in high school hard to believe you're my high-school sweetheart never thought I'd find my dream man that way but I knew what some reason I would definitely not find them around Canada but it took me coming to Bradford England and I like him on top of the roof of my baby got the greatest kids out there and I'm looking forward two walking down that aisle to you like I said I think the girls are here cuz I just heard the doorknob I better go let them in

Niall Houston sitting and everything relax I got the door before I go to bed

Niall open the door hey girls come on in he's got everything set up for you to work on in the living room and if you excuse me I'm going to bed because I was up all night in the studio laying down my vocals for the new album I'll catch you guys later after I get about a two-hour hour nap because I'm exhausted

Jesse look at maybe you should go get some sleep and that the girls will be down here working on planning your wedding damn hard to believe that you guys have been together since high school and you're actually working and I mean every one of those of us except for you two and Dane and Liam are together for sure still going strong and Perrie keep giving Zayn the run around

Madison well I think she needs time to see where she stand with my cousins cuz I don't want to see him or her get hurt she's one of my best friends and his family

Niall yeah you're right they both just need to work it out anyway I'm off to bed

Madison sleep tight baby love youyou

Niall love you more

And with that my baby went to bed and me Dana and Jesse and Jade when are they planning mine and Niall wedding

Dana - hey Madison what are the colors do you guys want for your wedding and end everything like that

Madison well I was thinking about having green cuz it's my favorite color with white and the fact that Niall Irish green the Luck of the Irish

Jesse that's so sweet how you want to do that what else would you want to get done for your wedding

Madison well I do know one thing for sure about it he wants it to be whatever I wanted to be he don't care what type of venue we have or anything like that basically he wants me to plan the wedding of my dreams he wants this day to be all about me because he thinks I deserve it

Jesse okay you were the one they got the right guy in high school I mean I had the Sass Master and just see you over here head mr. Popularity LOL but I wouldn't trade being friends with them like Brothers for the world now but I can't believe that I Louis and she did Harry all through high school and that's beginning of the touring around has Little Mix and One Direction

Madison yeah we all come pretty far and I careers haven't we anyway let's get back to doing what we have to do if I wanted to have my dream wedding

Dana that's cuz it has to be absolutely perfect

Madison I know for sure it definitely needs to be perfect and I know one thing after mine I believe you're the next one to get married

Dana yeah it's so weird we're just a couple girls that was in Canada thinking we would never find the right guy of Our Lives then we move to the UK find the perfect guys in high school you do when a band I become your management and now we are all on top of the world and we're still going strong and our relations the two of us but the other ones are all having problems or have ended somehow

Madison sometimes things have changed but there's one thing that hasn't changed no matter the breakups in the relationship is everybody still going to be good friends we've always said that anyway let's concentrate on getting this done because I don't want to have the kids come home in the next couple of days after the weekend planning and had me worn out LOL

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