Nakigitsune x Reader Without Words

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"Hey Naki" you said as you approached the white haired male who sat on the porch playing with his fox companion.

He looked up at you and waved to which you smiled then sat down beside him.

You knew he wasn't the most talkative guy but still you liked him, after all he was one of your swords.

You kicked your feet off the porch and observed the beautiful nights sky well Naki watched intently as you did so.

He always thought of you as a good friend but couldn't really find the words to say anything, much less tell you that he'd grown feelings for you.

Not that he would.. a Katana loving a human? That wouldn't work and he knew it which only gave him more of a reason to stay mum about his feelings.

He looked down and back to the small fox who was currently laying in his lap. he sighed and petted Kitsune.

You heard the small sigh and turned to look at him "Something wrong Naki?" You asked though you didn't exactly expect a answer.

He looked to you, paused then looked back down and shook his head. you frowned your brow and smiled.

"Alright, I won't push" you returned your eyes to outside and he continued to pet Kitsune.

After a few minutes he glanced over to you again and this time saw the way the moonlight hit your skin and how it made your hair glisten not to mention how the stars shimmered in the reflection of your eyes.

His face heated up underneath his mask and his heart couldn't help but skip a beat, to him you looked like a goddess.

Suddenly the nights breeze picked up and a few strands of your (H/C) hair were blown across your face "heh it's nice out here tonight isn't Naki?" You asked as you went to look at him only to find him sitting on his knees and leaning towards you.

"Nak-" "Your hairs blocking.. your pretty face.." he muttered as he brushed the few strands away from your face and behind your ear.

Your eyes widened and you stared blankly at the golden eyed male as he returned the same look.

The two of you remained silent for a minute or so until you finally spoke up "u-uh thank you Naki!" You blurted out and he nodded more then enough times as a reply.

He then hopped off of the porch and onto the grass then ran off leaving his fox companion behind.

"Hey Naki!" Kitsune called but received no reply, he turned to you and bowed his head "Sorry about that Master! I have no idea what's up with him but I'll find out! Please don't be angry with him!" Kitsune stated then hopped off the porch and ran off in the direction of his owner.

You stared at the small fox as he disappeared around the corner of the house, once he was gone you rubbed your cheek over where Naki had touched.

"Be angry with him...? Why...?"


"...Sniff...sniff..sniffle.." Naki bit back his tears well running around the front of the house 'Why did I have to do that..!?' He mentally screamed.

He closed his eyes and a few tears began to run down his cheeks, he took his sleeve and tried to wipe his eyes well he ran but accidentally ended up running into something.


"Ah!" Naki gasped as he fell backwards only to be grabbed by the arm and pulled back to his feet.

"Whoa Naki" said a familiar voice, making Naki look up to see his Crimson eyed fox friend, Kogitsunemaru "a-ah..." Naki said nervously then bowed.

"Heh it's okay, where's your fox buddy?" Kogitsune asked as he looked from side to side "you're usually never without him" Kogitsune added.

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