I grew up believing,
That people were nice.
I was sheltered from the truth.I went to school,
And a kid said he hated my shoes.
The new ones that I loved.
I never wore those shoes again.I called a girl fat,
In kindergarten.
I didn't know it hurt her feelings.
I never spoke to her again.A kid called my tutu stupid once,
I snitched,
And cried.
And he got sent to the principles.I saw my friends around me,
crumble in my hands,
All because of some mean kids
Comment.We all grew up thinking that no one was mean.
We grew up hearing,
"Kids will be kids!"
We grew up thinking we weren't good enough.We were pushed around,
At such young ages.None of our friends said we were beautiful,
So we never thought we were.
We never thought we were anything more than
Average.No one said we were good enough.
Everyone said weren't.
We were always pushed to the limit,
Only to be broken down even further.People wonder why,
this generation so messed up.
It's because no one,
No one,
Ever said we were good enough.We get the comments.
The comments on how we dress,
On our bodies,
our make up,
our hair.And everyone wonders why we
Have such high suicide ratings.
It's because kids are mean,
It's because we get pressured to fit societies cruel standards.And those things they say,
Stick with us.
We carry that baggage,
All throughout our lives.Me saying that you are fat,
You hate my shoes,
Or my tutu,
And some stupid comment you or I made,
when we were five,They stay.
I can still remember when I found out,
My friend had been cutting.
She told us she was fine,
But her wrists said otherwise.I told her she meant a lot to me,
To my friends.
She cried and I cried,
And her cuts got shorter and shorter through,
Until they were nonexistent.There are alway those kids,
I can't help,
And you can't help.
But we can help some.We grew up believing that kids weren't mean.
We were told,
"Kids will be kids!"
But why?Why weren't these kids stopped,
From saying those mean things?
Kids don't lie a whole lot,
So everything they said was true.I can remember all those mean things they said to me,
But I have a self esteem as hard and high as a steel building.
But what about the kids who don't?
What about the kids it will get to?They don't have the barriers,
The self esteem,
Where they can brush that off,
Where they can forget it.They will be the ones we see on the news,
Who overdosed,
Who shot,
Or hung them selves.All of those sweet people,
The kind people,
Will die because of you.
Because you never taught your kid,
to keep their mouth shut,
And be nice.So many kids with eating disorders,
Hatred of themselves.They will grow up,
Not knowing how beautiful they are,
How much of a warrior they are,
Because of comments.Some kids won't make it to adulthood,
They won't be able to take the pain.
We will lose another beautiful soul because,
"Kids will be Kids!"Will you be saying that,
When your best friends son is dead,
Because of a bully,
Teasing him endlessly on how he talks,
or walks?Will you be saying that,
When your niece dies,
Because she was starving herself,
And no one noticed or told her,
she was beautiful?But "Kids will be Kids" right?
These things happen all the time.
It's just kids having fun,
And it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt and hates themselves for the rest of their lives.
And then dies because of it.
Drowning In Reality
PoetryWe all need to dive into fantasy to keep ourselves from drowning in reality.