The Year of 22 Tears (1)

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Dedicated to lizajo101, we love you! *

Chapter 1

I woke to the annoying soud of my alarm clock. I looked over at it, 6:00 A.M. I groaned and rolled out of bed, stupid mondays. 

I went to go to take a shower grabbing clothes and towels, and walked to the shower.

When I finished I got dressed and walked downstairs to be greeted with a song and shouts of HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAVANNA! I smiled a half smile. Yay, another birthday. Note the sarcasm please. I know I should be excited seeing as how today is my 18th birthday, but I just had this feeling that this was NOT going to be a happy birthday.

I looked at the clock. Crap we really had to go! It was already 7:15.

"Skylar we have to go like now!" I yelled saying good bye to my parents.

"Good bye Savannah, Skylar, we love you!" my parents yelled as we walked out the door to my white and blue cobra. she might be old but my dad and I fixed her up she ran like new. As I drove to school I began to notice a dark feeling in the pit of my stomache. I ignored it and continued to head to school.

When we got inside the school my two best friends Briella and Logan were waiting for me by my locker. We talked until the bell rang and parted for class. The whole time I could feel something wasn't right. Logan wasn't telling me something, something thats bothering him...a lot.

The day went fast boring and.. weird. I was hearing people mutter curses, or talking about the plastics, or sports, or teachers wishing they had a different job. I was smelling things NO ONE wants to smell. Everything smelt strong. Too strong. 

Everything was a blur. I drove home almost forgetting Skylar. By this time the dark feeling in my stomache was a feeling that someone grabbed a knife and drove it through my gut and heart over and over again.

But all to quickly it stopped and I felt dead. Something was wrong. I stepped on the gass even harder as I weaved in and out of cars, I went so fast that not even the police tried to stop me.

I whipped into the driveway and jumped out of my car, barely taking time to stop the car. I ran inside. My head was aching and my heart was punding, my stochache turning.

'Crap' he had been here. Iknow he had. I could feel it, but it was quiet, too quiet.

I ran inside and foun my dad lying there. Blood ran down and around his now lifeless body. His head lay in a pool of the dark red liquid. Life taken away in a heart beat. Life swept out of you in just a few hours. This was the man who taught me to ride my bike, who took me fishing, who could stay up all night and not be irritated with us, who always wore a smile even when life was crashing down around him, who never let sickness, or work get in his way of family or life.

I didnt have time to think about it. I had to find my mother.

I ran outside and into the woods next to our house. As I ran I heard my sister behind me.

I slowed down as she ran towrds me. She was bloodsy, her face was scratched and her eye swollen. Her lip was split and blood covered her face, arms, and hands, she too slowed down and I noticed she was limping. I looked down and saw her leg had been cut open. It amazed me that she could still walk much less run. 

She gasped for breath and spoke, "A girl on her 18th year of life

Will go through much strife 

and will be given 22 tears

for that one year..." she was cut off by an arrow piercing her heart. A tear ran down her cheeck as she drew in a shaky breath, "RUN" was the last word she spoke before she drew in her last breath as her body stopped moving and I began running.

 I ran, i didn't stop, and I didn't look back. I did what my mother asked. My sister ran closely behind me. Life was already changing, and I wasn't ready.

I ran, and ran through the woods, as images of my parents flashed vividly through my mind. Thinking back at how just this morning I saw my mother's and father's smiling face telling me to have a good day ant that they loved me. It had only been 8 hours and my life had changed drastically. I knew this wasnt the end. I knew this was far from over.

I looked back at my sister, her face was emotionless as a tear escaped her eyes. I was sad too but i had to stay strong. For her.

She was the only thing I had left and there was no way I as going to let him hurt us more then he already had. he hurt not only me but my whole family.

The trees passed in a blur as I tried not to trip over broken branches and fallen down trees. I prayed silently to myself, Praying that it all was a dream, pryaing I would wake up and see their smiling faces just on more time. Just one more day as a perfect family. A perfect family with a broken past.

We continued to run not looking back. there was a roar of thunder as rain started pouring down. Only then did I break down, only then did i allow the tears to fall, to let my salty tears mix in with the pure rain, falling from the sky.


HEY GUYS staciefruit and i are so excited to start the book. please tell us what you think 




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