Chapter 1

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I wake up the next morning on the beach. I think to myself, "Where am I?" But then I remember running away. This is the first night in a long time that i haven been woke up at 2 in the morning and be molested. It felt good. It felt great to finally be released. I have to find a home though. I grab my bag with only a couple outfits and my jacket and  I get up. I should probably go to the DSS. (Department of Social Services) But I don't want to tell them what Liam did to me. I just can't, it's too hard to even think about. So I walk on the streets. Yeah I might look suspicious but who cares. I have a little cash with me so I go into this old restarunt. I sit down in a booth and wait for a waitress or someone. I'm sitting next to the windows, I look out of them. I see a guy, probably my age walking this way. He looked way to preppy to be coming in this ugly place. He crosses the street and I get a closer look. He's gorgeous. His brown eyes and his hair. His body too for that matter. He's not built like Liam though. Smaller but he's still got some muscle. He opens the door into the coffee shop. I run to the bathroom before he sees me. "Thank God I brought my makeup." I whisper to myself. I put on a little eyeliner and some mascara. Then walk nonchalantly out. He's sitting at a table right next to my booth. I sit down and he looks up from his book. He stares. I just look out the window, trying not to smile. 

"Excuse me miss?" He says. I turn around.

"Yes?" I ask like I hadn't even seen him.

"Is that seat taken?" He points to the one across from me.

"Oh. No. Go ahead." I wave him over. He grabs his stuff and sits across from me.

"My name's Brandon." He tells me. I got lost in those eyes. 

"I'm Callie." 

"I've never seen you here before," he tells me.

"It's my first time here." I say. 

"What school do you go to?" He asks.

"I did go to Roosevelt High, but not anymore."

"Why not?" He asks. I look down. 

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He says. I keep staring down at the table. He pulls my chin up. "Hey. I know we just met. But I like talking to you. You don't have to tell me." 

"I would tell you. But I don't know you that well and-"

"Shhh. " He says. "How about tonight we meet up at the movies."

"I don't have money." I tell him.

"I'll pay for you." He says.

"Like a date?" I ask. "Unless you have a girlfriend."

"Nope. I'm completely single." He says. 

"What time and what movie." I ask. 

10:00. Insidious 2. If that's ok with you." 

"I love scary movies." I tell him.

"Good. What's your address. I'll pick you up."

"Actually, I'm gonna be at the beach today. So you can pick me up there."

"Which beach?" 

"The one on North Western Ave." He gets up. I stand also. 

"I'll pick you up at 9:30 then?"  

"Sounds great!" I say. He leans in to hug me. I hug him back. 

"I have a feeling we're gonna get along just fine." He tells me. 

"I'm sure we will." I kiss his cheek and leave. 

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