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"When Does Mommy Get Out Of The Hospital?"Koi Asked As We Entered Through The Rehab Center.

"I Don't Know Koi, It's Up To The Doctor"

"Well Can I Talk To Him?" She Asked As She Started Jumping On The Tile Floor As I Held Her Hand.

"The Doctor Will Talk To Me Not You"

"What? That's Not Fair , That's My Mommy" Koi Said As She Pouted

"I Know Princess , It's Just An Adult Thing"

"Fine" She Said Rolling Her Eyes As We Walked Into The Visitor Room

"Stop That Eye Rolling , Your Not Grown"

"But I Will Be One Day" She Smiled As She Ran To Her Mom

Regina Smiled And Embraced Her Into A Tight Bear Hug. You Could Tell She Missed Her And She's Looking Better.

"You Missed Me Baby?"Regina Asked As Koi Sat On Her Lap

Koi Nodded And Smiled "Oooo Can I Color?" Koi Asked As She Pointed To The Color Book That Laid In Front Of Them On The Table.

"I Got It Just For You" Gina Said Kissing Her Cheek. Koi Opened The Book And Began Coloring Inside Of It.

"How Ya Been Sis?" I Asked As I Sat Down In A One Of The Chairs

"Good , I'm Feeling Like Myself. My Head Is More Clear...I'm Just Ready To Get My Life Back" She Said

"I'm Proud Of You , You Look More Happy And To See You All Happy With Koi Makes Me Happy"'

She Nodded "And How Have You Been Lil Mama?" Regina Said To Koi

"I'm Gonna Be A Big Sister!" Koi Cheered

Regina Turned To Me "Bey Is Pregnant?"

"No , Bey's Step Mother Is Pregnant And Her Daughter Was Just Saying How She's Gonna Be A Big Sister And Koi Was A Little Sad So The Girl Said She'll Let Her Be A Big Sister To The Baby Too"

"How Old Is Bey's Step Mother?" Regina Asked Looking A Little Confused

"She's 25 , I Used To Mess Around With Her. Her Name Is Kidosa"

"Kidosa? Hnmm Her Mom Is Very Creative" Regina Said

I Busted Out Laughing "Yeah Her Daughter Is Younger Than Koi By A Year , Her Name Is London"

"Kidosa ...London, Well I'm Surprised Her Daughter Has A Simple Name" Regina Joked

"It's A Little Awkward But I Think Everybody Is Okay With The Whole Situation. Except Mr.Knowles"

"What You Mean?" She Asked

"That Man Hates Me But Yet Writes My Checks, I've Tried To Talk To Him But He Shoots Me Down. I Don't Know What's His Deal With Me"

"He's Just Over Protective Over His Daughter" She Said Playing In Koi's Hair.

"But Yet He Used To Set Her Up On Blind Dates"

Regina Chuckled "He'll Come Around They Always Do...Eventually"

"I'm All Done" Koi Said Writing Her Name At The Top

"Looks Nice Princess" I Said

She Smiled "Thanks Uncle Jay"

"It Really Does , You Got Coloring Skills" Gina Added

Even Though She Colored Out Of The Lines And Didn't Use The Appropriate Colors She's Young.Koi Isn't Supposed To Be Coloring Perfectly In The Lines At That Age.

"Visiting Hours Are Over" I Heard A Nurse Say

Koi Looked Sad "Bye Mommy"

I Picked Her Up "See You Baby , I Love You" Regina Said Kissing Her Forehead

I Leaned Down A Bit Giving Her A Hug "We'll Be Back In Two Weeks"

She Nodded Head And We Walked Out Of The Center Getting Into The Car. I Started Up The Car And Was About To Drive Off Until Koi Spoke Up.

"Uncle Jay?"She Asked

"Yes Koi?"

"What's Gonna Happen To Us When Mommy Gets Out The Hospital?" She Asked 

"What Do You Mean?"I Asked Not Even Trying To Drive Out Of The Parking Space. 

"When Mommy Leaves The Hospital Does That Mean I Leave You? And Your House? And I Won't See You Or Bey Again?"She Asked

I Really Haven't Thought About The End Result Of When Regina Gets Out Of The Hospital. I've Grown Attached To Koi , I Feel Like She's My Own.

"You'll Move With Your Mom , But You Can Always Visit And See Bey Too" I Said

I Looked Into The Rearview Mirror To See Koi Looking Down As If She Wanted To Cry.

"That's Not Enough ... I Don't Want To Leave You Or Bey...Your Like My Daddy And Bey Is Like My Second Mommy"'She Said

I Felt A Drop From My Eye "How About We Get Some Pizza , It Always Makes You Feel Better Right?@ I Asked

Koi Smiled Lightly Nodding Her Head Yes. I Turned Up The Radio And  Drove Out Of The Parking Lot.

I Hate To Have Koi Leave Me To Go To My Sister , Don't Get Me Wrong I Love My Sister But I'm Afraid She'll Get Fed Up And Won't Like Being A "Mother" When She Realizes It Takes Work To Take Care Of A Child.

When Koi Said I'm Like Her Father It Really Hit A Nigga , I've Been There For Koi The Most....
Updated crownmekay_ 😌😇
I'm Driving From Tampa Back To Fort Lauderdale And While I'm Writing This Chapter I Was Falling Asleep 😩 Like My Screen Kept Locking 😂 , I Was Gonna Stop Writing And Just Save It 😭

Peace & Blessings ✌🏽️💕

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