That little fucker.

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==> Your name is AIDEN WELDING . Youve recently been spending--admittedly-- a bit too much time with your "best bro" Oliver. Though, you think a more proper title for him would be "That Little Fucker That You Bang Occasionally". Yep. Sounds about right.

As untill now unmentioned, youre playing some INCONCEIVABLEY SHITTY VIDEO GAMES with a PRETTY EQUALLY SHITTY CONSOLE, at Olivers place.

Youre also horny as everloveing fuck.

But thats not the point!!

==> Aiden, get your mind off fucking the smol and beat his gay ass.

Your thumbs randomly press random buttons. Youre not totally sure of what yoire doing, but apparently that didnt matter since he totally sucked at video games anyways.

Youre eyes are cast, not at the tv(where they probably should be.), rather, their more interested in the eyecandy that sits next to you. The small, fragile, innocent, and damn huggable eyecandy.
You hope to god he doesnt notice the insanely red flush thats found its way to your cheeks, or how youve been trying so hard not to stare at his plush ass. You could totally just grab it right no-

The smaller gives a whine as the screen turns into a mess of red, green, and blue static. You take your eyes off him for the first time in like ten minutes and raise an eyebrow. You have no fucking clue of what just happened.

He gives a groan and crawls over to the T.V. his ass jutting out in just the perfe-

==>Aiden, stop being a perv and help your bro, bro!
You schooch up to him, wracking your brain of whay couldve possibly happened, thinking of what couldve possibly made it crash other than the fact that the thing was total shit.
"Maybe its the plugs..?" You offer. though, youre pretty much sure he already did that, and that you probably sound like an idiot right now.

"I already checked those...."

Yep. Knew it.

"Well... maybe its the-"

"The fans busted." He cuts you off and the next thing you know hes dismantled the whole thing, and is inspecting a small metal doohicky. Which he soon puts down and offers that you jusy go upstairs to do something because the thing was totally fucked.

Hell. Yes.

You had planned to somehow get him upstairs with you alone. You two haddnt done anything in so long and god did you need him.
He leads you to his room, and the two of you have lengthy conversations about nothing particularly important, untill he gets bored--like always-- and asks to put in a movie. Which, really, now a day, when he eays movie, he means, "Hey can we watch Cloverfield for the 192,774,739,299.4th time?" Of corse you let him, you spoil the little fucker rotten.

The movies just about half over, and you find yourself grinding subconsciously on the warm body you managed to tangle into a cuddle with. Oliver, of corse, notices in no time.


You snap your attention away from the screen, now fully aware of what youve been doing.

"Y-yes kitten..?"

Fuck your stuttering.
Fuck it.
So hard.
Right up the ass.
No mercy.

You feel your face go hot, and you become anxious.

"Is there any way i could.... should i.... do you want me t-to.... um... "

He takes a deep breath

"Can i help you with that, Daddy...?"

there will be more, i promise, but im kinda running out of steam and my writeing will get shitty and we dont want that, do we?



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