On Cleo's Mind

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I was tagged by Starry-eyed-kitten to do this

So basically this is what the challenge is:

1) Name the chapter "On *oc\chatacter*'s Mind" or something

2) Pretend you are a character, one of your's or from a show or something (preferably one of your own)

3) Write down the first things on their mind from the top of your head (minimum of ten)

4) Tag four more people to do it next

So yeah I'm using one of my newest characters Cleo so you can get to know her better (if you want me to do another character of mine as well then you can comment them and I might do it if I have the time)

-Um, hi

-So how's your day going so far mine's going great today I found a butterfly or at least I thought it was a butterfly so I started to play with it but then I realized it was a icky moth so I swat it away and I think it gotten eaten by a frog or something I don't know but oh well its not my problem anymore but anyways enough about me how's your day going?

-I wonder why the Earth is round...


-Hey I'm bored ooh maybe I should get some coffee mmm that sounds good yeah I should do that

-Im literally done with stupid people today

-Hey you want some coffee? Or tea, cuz I'm okay with tea if you want tea, just no iced tea m m no or iced coffee its gotta be nice and hottttt

-Im just gonna go knit now mkay

-hmmm I should really get out more... NAHH

-Should I go to sleep now... nah I'll only stay up for a couple more hours

-Why cold why must you exist

-Im thirsty

-Im hungry

OKAY I'm done now that was actually kinda fun so yay :3

Okay people get ready to get tagged

@anyone else cuz I can out of people to tag :P

Bye now! Sorry no art! >~<

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