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"Maya, we need to talk."

I sighed before replying "okay, Lucas. Alex, could you give us a few?"

"Of course" he smiled before leaving us alone. To talk.

"So," I started.

"Maya, I want to talk about what happened at that coffee shop."

"Listen Lucas, if you just came out here to tell me that you never want to talk to me again because of what you heard then I think it would be best if you just left now because don't worry, I'm never coming back. I've started a new life. I'm done being broken, its time to build myself back up, and I can't do that back in New York."

"Maya, I-I," he stuttered. He sighed before he could finally speak properly. "Maya, I'm not going to leave you just because I found out some of your secrets. I didn't think that I knew everything about you. Everyone has secrets, and we just met not that long ago, so I knew that I didn't know the full you. And why would you need to move away to start over? You don't have to completely leave everyone in your life behind just to restart. You can start over without leaving everything and everyone you have ever known, you know. And you have people to help you threw it. To cheer with you when you're at you're high, and to be there to catch you when you fall to your low. You have Riley, Farkle, and even though you think she doesn't know what she is doing, your mom is there for you too. And I'm here. I'm always here. Whenever you need me. Whether its a shoulder to cry on or a person to celebrate with, I'm there. Always. So, will you please come back to New York with me, Maya? We all love and miss you so much. Plus I think it might literally kill Riley if she finds out that you are even considering not coming back" we laughed a little at this, threw the tears. Yes, we were crying. But I think it was more happy tears for me. I was glad he was here. It just proved that he would actually be there for me, that he actually cares.

"Thank you."

He nodded.

"I will come back with you. But, there is one thing." I stood up, leaving him confused and walked over to the next room.

"Uh, sure. What is it?" He yelled from the couch.

I walked back out, Alex following behind, with Kalani in my arms.

"They come with me. Its kind of a package deal" I said, smiling at Alex.

"Um, of course. I mean if that's what it takes for you to come back then yeah. But uh, who's baby is that?"

"That would be mine" Alex spoke up.

"Oh, well if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"

"I'm, uh, 17" he said looking at the floor. " after my ex had Kalani she kind of just dumped her on me and left. I had to get away so I took the subway. That's where I met Maya" he smiled at me.

"We hit it off from there," I continued. "Don't worry, Lucas. Our relationship is not romantic at all. Its stronger. Like a parent to a child. We protect each other."

"Oh. Okay. Well its nice to meet you both" he said standing up and looking at Kalani.

"I guess we should start packing then" I said.

"Yeah, I'll help you guys with that."

I gave Kalani to Alex and he walked to the kitchen with her. Lucas walked up to me and embraced me in a tight hug.

"I'm so glad that you decided to come back. I felt so lost without you. Like I was missing a piece of me." He backed out of the hug but still kept his arms wrapped around my waist. We looked into each others eyes and, once again, I felt like it was just us in the world. I couldn't take it anymore, I got on my toes and crashed my lips onto his. Our lips moved in sync for a while until I pulled away, gasping for air. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I love you, Maya."

I gave a little laugh before responding.

"I love you too, Lucas."

Whoop! Their first "I love you's".


Unable To Love//LucayaWhere stories live. Discover now