The Night Is Perfect When I'm With You

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You were in your room getting ready for a surprise you were doing for Tony. He was on a mission with the rest of the Avengers but because it was his birthday and the things were going pretty smooth on the mission he was coming back tonight to celebrate this special day with you in the Avengers tower. The rest of the team was not going to be back until next Tuesday so it would be only you and Tony.

You slipped in a beautiful red and gold cocktail dress with no sleeves

You slipped in a beautiful red and gold cocktail dress with no sleeves

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and just long enough to cover your knees. You bought it specifically for this occasion because it matched Tony's iron man suit that he was so obsessed with. As you put it on you zipped it on your back and stood in front of a mirror turning around and making sure it looked perfect. Oh yeah you looked beautiful and you gave yourself a big smile before getting your gold flats from the closet and putting them on. You had your hair curled a little and left down lying on your shoulders. You reached for you purse for one last touch, - red lipstick. Now you were fully ready and you looked in the mirror for the last time before leaving the bedroom just to see how incredibly beautiful you looked.

Heading down to the elevator you ran over your plan a couple times. You wanted everything to be perfect. In a few moments you were up in the living room of the Avengers tower. You grabbed candles and a lighter from a counter and walked out to the balcony. It was getting dark and Tony would be here soon so you set everything up quickly, brought in a stereo, and sat on a couch in the living room waiting for Tony, fighting your nerves.

You jumped up as you heard the elevator going up and quickly ran across the room to hide knowing that Tony would go to the balcony right away because that was his favorite place to relax after his missions watching stars and breathing in fresh air. You heard the elevator doors open and Tony stepping into the living room and heading to the balcony just as you thought. You knew him all too well. As he open the balcony door, you came out of your secret place and followed him quietly. He was standing in the candle light facing the city as you came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist gently kissing his shoulder, walking to his side and giving him another kiss on his right cheek. "Happy Birthday, darling."

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