Chapter 9

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"Are you sure..." Greyson trailed off uncertainly. "This is safe?"

Rose rolled her eyes. "Nowhere's safe, Chance."

Still, he looked skeptically at the dubious run-down building through his shades. It looked like it had just come out of a black-and-white photograph. Completely plain, seemingly abandoned and empty. Although he supposed it worked perfectly fine for the undercover job of the distribution of firearms.

Rose tapped her foot impatiently as they stood against the greying wall outside. "What's taking him so long? It's just bullets!"

He rubbed his hand against the wall and peered at the flaky powder of very old whitewash on his fingers. "Shouldn't you guys have your bullets and everything shipped directly to AF Shadow?" He questioned.

She shot him a dull look. "Do you think we would've told the big boss about training you?"

Before he could answer, they heard the door swinging open.

And then a bullet shot right past Rose's nose, creating in the wall of the building yet another one of the hundreds of small holes.

She whirled around and glared at Hunter, who was just exiting the building, carrying huge crates that looked to weigh ten tons each.

"Hunter, you ass!"

"It wasn't me!" He shouted defensively, trying to raise his hands in innocence.

Another bang sounded, this time shooting straight into one of the crates he was carrying.

"Duck!" Rose yelled to Greyson, and the three of them quickly dropped low behind their bulletproof truck. The gunshots were coming in by the dozens now.

Rose reached up and opened the door. Skillfully, she clambered over the driver's seat and took shotgun - literally. "Chance, get in! You're driving!" Hunter shouted, hoisting the crates into the backseat and climbing in after the cargo.

"What? I don't know the way!" Greyson's eyes widened in terror.

"Just get in!" Rose growled, and he scrambled to climb into the driver's seat. Slamming the door shut, he started the engine and slammed on the gas, and the tires squealed as the truck tore away from the street. He turned wildly at the first junction he saw, only to find the truck headed toward a road sitting precariously at the edge of a hill. On their right was the face of the hill sloping upwards, and on their left was a trashed barrier - he shuddered to wonder what had happened to the people who did that to the barrier - and a steep drop. At the bottom of that cliff lay jagged rocks jutting out like the teeth of a sea monster's open mouth, and the restless waves crashing upon them.

The bullets were still coming. By this time, Hunter had loaded a shotgun of his own. Greyson took a peek at the rearview mirror and saw a sleek black car tailing them, with a man driving the car and a girl standing out of the front seat and aiming at them. Both wore thick shades that completely obscured their eyes.

"Alright, they're asking for it," Rose scowled.

"Let's get this show on the road," Hunter grinned. Next, Greyson heard a deafening bang alarmingly close to his ear. He jumped in his seat and the car lurched to the side.

"Greyson, drive properly dammit! You ruined my aim!" Hunter cursed.

"Sorry -" he started to apologise, but his words were drowned out by yet another bang near him, this time coming from Rose's shotgun. He glanced over at her, leaning out of the window, her dark hair flying in the wind, gun held close to her face with one eye closed, finger balanced carefully on the trigger.

There was something so beautiful about that danger.

He was jolted from his thoughts when another gunshot was heard - but not from their car. Closely following was the sound of glass shattering - specifically, the side view mirror next to Rose. She swore loudly and fired another shot on impulse.

This time, he heard the screeching of tires.

"Nice shot, Rosie!" Hunter yelled. "Just let me -" BANG! Again came the now continuous sound of tires squealing.

Greyson removed his eyes momentarily from the road and looked at the rearview mirror once again, just in time to see the black car, with its front tires punctured from Rose's and Hunter's shots, skidding dangerously. It took one last spiral and crashed into the side of the hill on the right.

"Greyson!" Rose yelled, grabbing hold of the wheel and spinning it madly to the right. The car swerved recklessly away from its previous position dangerously close to the edge of the road, where a crash at the bottom of the cliff awaited them. "Eyes on the road! You almost killed us there!"

"Alright, alright!" Gripping the wheel tightly again, he felt a sticky substance under his fingertips. He looked down at the steering wheel to find a red trail on it, dripping slowly onto his jeans. In shock, his eyes lifted to Rose's left arm, which had previously been leaning against the now shattered side view mirror. "Rose - your arm -"

"It's nothing," she cut him off.

"Yeah," Hunter quipped, leaning over the middle and lazily propping an arm up on each of their seats, grinning. "Rosie's a tough one."

"But -"

"Just get us home, Greyson," she snapped.

He stared at her for a moment more before turning back silently, not saying anything about not knowing the way home.

She dropped her head against the window and closed her eyes as the blood slowly began to stop flowing.

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