Millie Rant

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I LIKE MILLIE AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO SAY IT!!! YES I KNOW SHE GETS A TON OF HATE!!! TON IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT EVEN BUT I DON'T CARE!!! NOW IN THE COMMENTS DON'T BE LIKE "OH SHE WAS SUCH A B**** TO HER CHILDREN THOUGH!!!" NO SHE WASN'T, NOW CALM DOWN!!! Thank you, and spoilers. Maybe some swearing in the comments if the real jerky Silverstream fangirls come in and decide to get super upset. 

I haven't read the mangas, besides the Ravenpaw ones. However, I have heard that Graystripe and Millie have good development in them. While Silverstream saves him and... BAM LOVE! What?! That's not how that works! Don't go in the comments and say that Fireheart saved Sandstorm or whatever she was called when that happened and then she fell in love with him. Because that's not what happened! She only started to respect him, then she got to know him better, then they became friends, developed a crush, and now they're mates. Best couple ever. Sorry, I'm getting off topic. 

I automatically loved Millie when she was first introduced! Sure she seemed wary at first, but then when her and Blackstar were just like staring at each other. He actually looked away! They were just like glaring at each other or something and Millie just held his stare to the point where he looked away! It's not like we're talking about some random cat, we're talking about Blackstar who is pretty much one of the toughest cats in the forest. *slow claps* You go Millie!

Now none of you guys can go and say that Silverstream was a better mother than Millie. Silverstream died while giving birth. She never even raised her kits. Millie did. She did a good job. Many of you will probably admit that and then pull out the main reason Millie gets so much hate. She "ignored" Blossomfall and Bumblestripe. She was a "bad" mother. No, she wasn't. Millie had never experienced anything like what had happened to Briarlight, her own kit. Here are some quotes from the wiki:

Millie: "If your warrior ancestors are so powerful, why don't they cure her? If this had happened in my old home, my housefolk would have fixed her."
Graystripe: "Millie? Is that what you really think?"
Millie: "I don't know what to think. I only see my kit, broken and helpless, struggling through each day, with death stalking her like a fox...."
Graystripe: "But she's alive. She's here with us."Millie: "She has to watch her littermates living the lives of warriors, while she just yowls and coughs and drags herself to and from the fresh-kill pile!"

—Millie's distress over Briarlight   Night Whispers , page 97

Millie's reaction to Briarlight's accident is what caused Blossomfall to react how she did. When asked, Vicky replied that Millie neglected her other kits, because she was desperate to care for Briarlight. Kate confirms that Millie still loves Blossomfall and Bumblestripe and wishes Briarlight weren't injured so she could spend more time with them.

She wishes that she could spend more time with her other kits. Yes, I know that everyone says that the wiki isn't a good source, but I don't care. Bumblestripe didn't care that she "neglected" him. He was a grown warrior, he can take care of himself. I don't see why Blossomfall was jealous of her sister who can't even walk. Plus when Blossomfall and Ivypool got lost in the tunnels it was Blossomfall who wanted to go down. Ivypool was young when this happened and Millie yelled at Blossomfall because she was old enough to know not to go down there. Blossomfall knew that she was supposed to be hunting, not exploring.

That's all I'm going to say about her right now but I suggest reading Swiftdapple's rant about her

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That's all I'm going to say about her right now but I suggest reading Swiftdapple's rant about her. 

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