chapter two.

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"So what did you think of that report?" Cara asked me as we stepped out of the building.

"What did I think?" I asked her sarcastically. What kind of question was that anyways?


"Nothing. It was sick. Whoever did that to that girl, was a psychologically disturbed creature. I am not going to call him a human being, not a title he deserves."

"Affirmative." Even as she tried to sound cold and nonchalant about it, I caught a tremor in her voice. One that a person would miss until they had a good knowledge of the other person.

"It scares you." I stated the obvious.

"No.." she started saying when a black car screeched in front of us. Cara yelped at the sudden arrival of the vehicle, and I grabbed her waist and jumped back in reflex.

It was a black BMW, sleek and sexy. And the man who hopped out of it was even more so. I narrowed my eyes. "What are you doing?"

He merely chuckled. Asshole.

"Theon what the fuck are you doing?" I asked more loudly and sternly. What was he doing driving this car? It looked too costly, and not something parents would give to their 18 year old son.

"Babe, I was just having some fun." He looked at his car, and lovingly stroked it as if it were his pet. "Do you like my lover?"

"That is your car?" Cara asked from behind me in an awestruck voice. Although when I looked at her, it wasn't the car she was looking at. It was the owner. I can't say that I blamed her. Theon was one of those boys you couldn't take your eyes off. Not because he was extremely beautiful. No, Theon had a face that was too sharp cut to be defined as beautiful, and his eyes were piercing. Too piercing. He had a scar running down the length of his right cheek bone that he got in a fight two years ago and his hair was a mess. The kind of mess that made you want to bury your face in them and rub your nose like a kitten. I know. I had done that a lot back in the time. But he was magnetic. His entire posture was hypnotic, holding you in a trance like presence.

"Yeah darling." He drawled at her. It was as if I wasn't present there. He was looking at her with eyes that felt like he wanted to devour her. Cara had a good figure, and despite me calling her a Pinocchio, she was beautiful. And Theon noticed. I felt a pang in my chest, but I wasn't going to respond to this and label it as jealousy. He could flirt all he wanted with any girl of his choice. Not my business.

"So you both know each other?" Cara asked Theon. She was twirling her hair in her right hand and pushing out her chest for him.

I tuned them out and looked around for something interesting, but other than the evening traffic, there was nothing. I was just going to remind Theon that he was here to pick me up and not flirt with my friend when a guy from my class bumped into me. It almost threw me off balance, and I would have fallen down if not for his hand on my waist holding my me just an inch above the ground. As soon as I was on my feet, I turned to him with a sneer.

"Look where you are going!" As I said that, I heard a cackle from behind him. Some of his friends were pointing towards us and laughing.

"I'm sorry Ràith." He said with a smile, as if the collision did not bother him. "Let me make it up to you."

"What? I don't need anything from you." I said, still ticked.

"Come on don't be like that. Let me take you out for a coffee. What say?" He said this brushing my hair away from my face, and I batted him away. There was something very weird about him.

"I don't even know your name.." I almost said that when I felt a thick arm protectively curl around my waist and pull me back to a hard chest. As my back collided with the wall of muscle, I felt growls vibrating in his ribs and hot air blew over my head.

"She is with me." Theon said in a very scary voice and as I looked up at him, his face was contorted with anger, and there was an animalistic rage in the creases of his face. My pulse quickened and it had nothing to do with the fact that I was so close to him. His grip on my waist wasn't protective as I had initially thought. It was possessive. And it was so strong that even with my squirming I was held in a vice like grip. I was strong, but it seemed, Theon was stronger.

While I was distracted by the fury in Theon's face, the random boy had backed away slowly, his hands in front of him in a surrendering manner, as if he was trying to placate a rabid animal. I can't say I blamed him. My best friend's eyes looked almost psychotic, and even I wouldn't mess with him. I had never seen him like this, and honestly it scared me. The boys behind my collider had all gone quiet, and frankly even they looked a little worried about their friend's well fare.

Theon's arms around me loosened, and I thought that he was perhaps trying to get his anger under reigns, but when he pushed me behind him and took a step back, I felt like my heart would fly out of my chest. He wasn't going to stop, he was going after the guy. Shit! The guy also getting gist of the situation yelped like a little girl, looking about ready to pee his pants and I jumped on Theon's back wrapping my legs around his torso and clinging to his neck from behind.

"Babe what are you doing?" I hissed in his ears. "Stop this."

"He touched you." He grumbled. The murderous rage in his voice was very unusual and it had the hairs on my arms standing up in response.

"It was a mistake, forget about it. Get yourself under control, we are still in my school premises!" I whisper yelled in his ears. I could have shouted that though and it wouldn't have made any difference because by now everyone was looking in our direction, trying to figure out what was happening and I'm pretty sure they heard me.

Slowly I felt the tension receding from his body as he seemed to realize that this was neither the place, nor the time for a fight and I started to lower myself from his back, but his hands came behind and grabbed my arse to keep me from slipping down.

He looked at the boy once again, and slowly enunciated, "She. Is. Mine. Touch her again, and I'd make sure you are incapable of touching anyone anymore." The wild threat in his voice was more than obvious, he did not even try to conceal the menace. I heard a squeak behind me, and craned my neck to look back to see Cara's face morphed with fear as she stared at Theon- all signs of flirtation and the budding crush had seemed to wither away.

With that, he simply turned around with me still on his back and started for his car. Once he reached there, he dumped me in the passenger seat beside the driver's and got in himself. He was still shaking with anger as he started the car, and at this point, as I slowly processed everything that had transpired in the last 10 minutes, I started feeling my skin burn with fury and embarrassment.

"She. Is. Mine." It seemed to echo in my head.

What the fuck!

I am his?

In what fucking world!

Somewhere in the back of my mind I seemed to notice that we were heading away from the city lights instead of head-diving straight into traffic, but it quickly got buried under everything else I was feeling at this moment.

"Don't." He simply said as I opened my mouth to yell at him.

"Theon." I quietly growled out. Suddenly the entire car jolted to a screeching stop and I flew out of my seat.

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