❝ Shrek the Ass

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It's been a while since I've updated this story, a lot of stuff has been happening and I've barely had any time. So without further ado, meet one of my closest friends...

It's weird when you have the name Shrek, but this girl deserved it. That story you'll find out later. I met Shrek when I was in grade 2, I remember walking up to her and saying "You're really good at drawing!"

It was true, Shrek was the best at drawing in our class. After that we became friends but somehow we never really went in the same grade for a few years. Shrek hated sports, actually it was more like she hated moving all together.

Out of my whole friendship group, I was the most athletic one. That much is pretty obvious considering how much I like to play certain sports. She on the other hand loved watching people play sports. By watching I mean, watching...


I cannot express how much sport anime she knows, me loves. It is like her very world.

A lot of you might be wondering why the title is Shrek the Ass, main reason is that's how we compliment each other. By what seems to be insulting, that's the way to compliment your best friend!

In this current year, we landed in the same class. Sadly Akemi and I were separated. Shrek and I have gotten so close after being partners in basically everything.

It's weird how much I laugh when I'm with her, she has the really odd sense of humour which is what makes Shrek so special, we laugh about the most stupid things. When we both sit together in class, watch out ppl. You are going to hear obnoxious laughing all the time.

Shrek really loves BL.

Just saying that line sounds very...unique...!
She is a Fujoshi, you can't deny it and you can't change her.

After school we walk to our parents to go home, along with the way we meet a bunch of other asses which may or may not be mentioned and it's always a great time.

There are so many things about Shrek that most people don't know, and 60% of it, is just so random. I just feel that is necessary to mention her love for memes. What's so great about it is that a lot of things we done in class, somehow linked back to memes.

Last time we had to make a shield like thing and everyone done these fancy ass shit, along with me. And then there's Shrek...

She needs to get rewards for that, it was a true masterpiece...

Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life. Is what you expect me to say but nope.

"Know ur Memes, Live ur Dreams." - Shrek 2k16

From this asshole,

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