About Me

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So yeah, this entire 'work' just happens to be a glorified 'about the author' page. I'd rather stick it here, though, where you can see it only if you want to see it, and not on the front of any of my other work and have potential readers turned off by it. 

Yeah, I know, it happens.

So, you've read down to this line, and I'm taking the liberty of assuming that now you're here, you're going to be here till the end of the page, which, might I add, is extremely generous of you.

So, first off. Yes, I am an author, and yes, I am published. The chain of events that lead to my having a whole book on display is probably something that would be fascinating to read at the right time, and if that story were ever put down in writing, I would assume that it would be included in my biography. 

As I am neither of the biography penning nor reading type, you can rest assured that this is definitely NOT a biography, and I am NOT going to recount that boring old story. Though (SPOILERS!) that process of getting a contract with a real live publisher involved a lot of writing. A LOT. 

So, getting back on track, we've established I'm a published author, and this is not a biography, though it darn well looks like one. I have the power of the pen and I say it isn't so that settles it.

There is, however, a reason why I'm putting this out, mostly since there are a few things I'd like to have out here, and that little box on the side of my profile is unfortunately far too compact.

Alright, so we're finally here, the very reason why this rather cool looking book cover (even if I do say so myself) exists in the first place. 

Who am I?

Hehe. Wouldn't you like to know. (insert smirk) I am, as far as anyone is concerned, anonymous, not affiliated with anything to do with broccoli or stale pizza, and I write. 

But seriously. I am a published author, and I pretty much have a few WIPs on the way, all through the same publisher, Line by Lion. What Wattpad is to me, however, isn't about those stories. It's about the others I've done, Flash Fiction in the name of the Iron Writer Challenge, that I thought I could touch up and post out where someone could read and appreciate them.

I'll be talking about The Iron Writer on another page, which you may or may not read depending on how well I've been carrying this monologue so far. The actual fact of the matter, though, is that TIW forced me to churn out so many diverse, varied stories, all no longer than 500 words.

Yes. 500 only. A beginning, a middle and an end, all in no more than half a page. The writers reading this, I hear you gasp. The ones more into reading than writing, I urge you to gasp as well. If completing an entire novel was difficult, it's got nothing on coming up with something good using only 500 words.

And yet I did it, more times than I can recall. I who hate limits and deadlines even more than broccoli and lousy internet, have time and time again subjected myself to the torture of writing a concise story in 500 words or less (never less. Never, ever less). It isn't easy, but it can be done.

Some of them... um, the less spoken about them the better. With others, though, shockingly, I surprised myself, and if you couldn't tell by this point, I have a pretty large ego and I don't surprise myself too easily. (Let's not debate this)

And so, as to why I am on Wattpad at all in the first place. I need these stories, these 500 word pieces, to go somewhere they could be seen by a whole load of people. Maybe you might like them. Maybe you won't. Maybe you'll become a fan and end up buying my other, full scale novels.

It doesn't matter. All that does matter is that I spend time writing them, and I'd rather have them out in the open for people to appreciate or hate, as the case may be, than on my computer gathering dustbytes. 

So, a little confession, the pieces I post up here aren't going to be the exact 500 word copies of my submissions to the Challenges. I've touched them up, made them larger, better. I'm not a fan of few words, if this rant is anything to go by, so I pour in a little more into each of them before I send them up here. 

But I'll let my work speak for itself. As I've said, I've a whole bunch waiting to see the light of a monitor screen, but I'd rather take my time and edit them all nice and fancy before posting them up, and that's what I'm going to do.

So, here you are, at the end of this bag of wind. I'll be writing about the Iron Writer Challenge some other time, but till then, this is it.

If anyone is interested, I am on Facebook, Twitter, and Google plus. Always a pleasure to connect, and hoping you like my work.

Look for a new piece posted at least every other week.

cheers, loyal reader who made it this far, and even if you just scrolled the way down here and saw this sign off by accident, sucks to you, you missed out on finding out the secret to being a millionaire, but that's your fault. 


Mathew W. Weaver

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2016 ⏰

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