Damn tag by Dan

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Ally: clearly i have to find all of the damn tags in the notification which is damn hard! and now moving on tagged by TheDragonSwordsman

1.) So...how are you?

Ally: damn mad and I'm REALLY REALLY okay

Flare: ehehe...

Alistair: as usual.

Sayuri: no one can stop her ya guys know that

Flare & Alistair: *nods*

2.) A day outside or a day in your cozy room?

Ally: a damn day in my cozy room while playing with my phone on my soft bed

Flare: she's pissed off right now..sorry readers for that

Alistair: like what Sayuri said.

Sayuri: no one can stop her.

3.) Bestfriend or boyfriend?

Ally: uh......both.

Flare: hard time choosing?

Ally: yup

4.) Pizza or burger?

Ally: the dumbest question I've ever answered...

Flare: just answer it.

Alistair: yup answer it.

Ally: no way in hell. Skip this dumb question.

5.) what type of person are you?

Ally: well.. shy, non-socializing person and nice

Flare: there's something missing...

Ally: what?

Flare: nothing...

6.) have you been teased?

Ally: a lot since about......

Flare: that you have a b- *covers mouth and flies away quickly*

Ally: Flare.....your literally gonna be punished.

Flare: aww come on!

7.) are you a chatter box like me?

Ally: nope but a lot is chatting me right now like 6

Flare: but she's a fast typer

Ally: yup

8.) are you a shy type or outgoing?

Ally: i'm a shy type and also an outgoing person

Flare: last time when she's still going on schools her friends got at her house and invited her to climb some mountains]

Ally: Yup...though we got a little carried away

9.) how would you like to be called as?

Ally: maybe Ally since its my nickname gave by my big sis

Flare: well at first you like being called by your real name

Ally: shut it cat.

10.) Any ideas how to spend summer?

Ally: ooh. soccer, badminton, reading books, writing stories, adding parts of my book ect.

Flare: she got a lot of plans for summer every time ^-^'

11.) are you a perfect person or a 'do it later' person?

Ally: well no one is perfect only God and I do a lot of stuff than 'later'

12.) what's your height?

Ally: no shit sherlock.

Flare: answer.

Alistair: it.

Sayuri: now.

Ally: -__- clearly i dun care but I'm really tall

13.) Fav color and why?

Ally: blue and red. And Blue its a color of the sky which is very realistic and Red is for my hair and blood. Now I tag






That's all bye!!!

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