Hi I am Erin and my best friend is called Molly. Well this is my story and it starts now!! Well me and my family moved house and I wasn't really looking forward to it cause only 2 months ago we moved to my last house and I had not even unpacked but it's not my fault my dad keeps on moving jobs anyway I like it sortove here... Ok so this is how it started I came home from school like usual and my dad came storming through the front door crying. I obviously didn't know what was going on but when I found out I out I stormed into my room, slammed
the door and didn't come out till the next week. Ok so the story is my dad moved jobs,ok,great. I moved house Blah Blah and here I am. Years passed and Erin went to high school and Molly got split up with Erin cause her parent both had a fight any way it's for the best they would off got separated through high school. Anyway one day she heard a loud bang at the end off the road " mum, dad I am just going to nip out for a bit want ought?" Erin ran the end of the road and saw a big monster called oh who?what?why? Are you here? Hi I am Erin can you tell me why you are here please. Ahhhhhhhhh. Erin screamed like mad cause the monster had... Eaten Erin.....
My street
AcakA young girl thought it was the end of her journey when her family moved house but in matter of fact it wasn't