"Mom! Stop!" I yell as she hits me. My lower lip was bleeding. " MOM! STOP!" I hold her hand. "You try to stop me you little ¤¤¤¤¤!?"

I think my mom hates me... ever since my dad got diagnosed with cancer, she has been harsh on me.

"I don't know what to do with this girl." Mom starts to cry. Right... you hit me first, cover my ribs with ugly bruises, make me bleed then cry. Well played mom... well played.

I'm gonna run away... or kill myself the least. She doesn't even know why she's hitting me.

Next day

I look at myself in the mirror. Purple blotches on my ribs.

Upon reaching school I run over to my best friend, Alex, and hug him. His hoodie smells so good. I start crying. "She did it again?" He asks. I nod. "Baby you cam come and live with my family." He says. "Alex, I love you and all, but I care about my dad too." I mumble in his neck.

Most people consider us as a couple, but in reality, we are like siblings. Alex is like my older brother. "I wish she would stop." I say pulling apart from him. He is 5 ft 10 inches, black hair and brown eyes. I have shoulder length brown hair, light brown eyes, a lip ring and am 5 ft 2 inches.

Alex has been my best friend since nappy days. He lives next door. When my mom was not abusive, he came to stay over night much more than he does now, but it's much easier to keep in touch because there's a balcony joining two houses.

"Wanna show me your bruises?" He asks. I lift up my over-sized T-shirt. There are purple blotches everywhere. Instantly he pulls my sweatshirt down, and pulls me into a hug. I start sobbing. "There are still thirty minutes to class. Let's get a cup of coffee." He drags me into the cafeteria.

My phone dings. "Hey look at this." I give my phone to Alex. He looks at it and gives it back. "Sarah and Angelina are dissing you.". Sarah Von Steig and Angelina Harold are my 'friends' who always take my mom's side and always tell me that 'Whatever she's doing is for your own good'.

"Why do you tell them these things? They are downright h*es. You need to stop trusting them." He tells me while sipping his cold coffee. "Alex, they forced me. They saw my bruises and threatened me to tell the headmistress." I say. They truly are h*es.

"Lets go to class." Alex grabs my hand and leads me down to thee class. Our school is a bit weird. There are 70 students in each grade and two sections. Instead of student's going to different classes, the teachers come to our class. I guess this rule is to maintain discipline. F**k discipline.


"Hey dad!" I smile as I enter the door. "How's my pumpkin doing?" He asks as my mom enters the room. "Where were you?" She demands. "At school." I say plainly. "Look how she's talking to me Bob? Her attitude is so out of control. She's whole three minutes late! I swear to g-d that if I had raised an animal, it would be better then her. Why are you three minutes late? Screwing up someone?" She booms, I open my mouth to speak but she interrupts, "Don't you try to talk to me young lady," She grabs me by my hair as my dad watches us. It's not his fault. My dad actually cares for me, but there's nothing he can do. My mom will no doubt hit him too.

"You little b***h! If I catch you even a minute late, you will be dead, you get it?" She slaps me, I go down to my knees. She grabs me by my hair again and pulls me up. I refuse so she pulls up a rolling pin and smacks me in the face with it. Every thing goes black.


I wake up to see the cream colored walls of the kitchen. I get up - with a great difficulty - and make my way to my room. I look around. My room is black, with matching furniture, and white accessories. Dad and I got it done when mom was away. She almost killed me when she came back to see my yellow room turned into black.

I look at the time, almost 12:30. I was out cold for that long?

I turn to the french doors that open up to a small passage between Alex's and my room. I run across the little bridge and open up his french windows, walk to his bed and into his arms. I start sobbing instantly. "Baby are you okay?" He asks. I shake my head. "I think I'm not gonna survive anymore." I cry. In the moon light, I can see his eyes welling up with tears too. "It's gonna be okay, shh." He presses my head to his bare chest. My hoodie has blood on it so I take it off an now I'm in my tanktop.


Next morning I go back to my room to look at my face, which is burning like a B***h. My right cheekbone is purple. "Honey are you up?" My dad knocks. "Yes dad." I tell him. Alex enters, now wearing a sweatshirt. "Oh my g-d." he exclaims. "Why does this always happen to me?" I start crying.

"I think I'm gonna take my life, Alex."

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