2. Jeonghan

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A/N: I am so sorry this is terrible :/ please give me requests!!

Singing in the Rain
The clouds are dark and menacing. As you prepare to leave work that evening, you regret not bringing an umbrella. Turning your collar up against the cold and stuffing your hands in your pockets. Thank goodness you are wearing trousers rather than your customary skirt.

Stepping outside, you shiver and begin walking home. Unfortunately, you left your purse at home, otherwise you would take a taxi. Instead you bow your head, bracing yourself against the wind and shielding your eyes from the rain that is falling heavily. Your feet splash through the puddles that have formed on the streets already.

You haven't walked very far when someone appears next to you, and holds an umbrella over your head to shelter you from the bad weather. You look up in surprise, to see a handsome young man with long, blond hair that hung around his shoulders in a damp sheet. Your immediate thought is that he looks like an angel.

When he smiles at you, you feel butterflies in your stomach and a smile spreads across your face too. Removing his jacket with a look of genuine concern for your wellbeing, he drapes it across your shoulders. You give him a slightly bemused look of graciousness.

"I'm Jeonghan," he replies. "You shouldn't be out in weather like this; you'll catch a cold. Let me walk you home so I know you are okay."

"Umm... Okay." You agree and introduce yourself.

"It's very nice to meet you," Jeonghan smiles again, sweeping his beautiful hair out of his angelic face.

"And you too," you reply politely. Jeonghan keeps looking at you and you meet his gaze, staring into eyes that seemed to have searched your soul and found it to their liking.

Your foot catches on something, a loose stone or drain cover perhaps, and you find yourself toppling forwards, arms windmilling wildly and out of control. Jeonghan drops the umbrella, and his arms wrap around you, stopping your fall before you hit the wet ground and land face first into a puddle. Restoring you to your feet, he gives you an expression of concern tinged with amusement. Your cheeks burn with shame and humiliation.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asks, cupping your chin to force you to make eye contact. You nod silently and he grins. "Thank goodness! I would hate it if you got hurt falling for me."

A blush spreads across your cheeks and your eyes widen. He smirks, and you suddenly realise how close he is, with his arm around your waist pulling you against him, and his slender fingers tilting your chin up towards his face. Your breathing becomes heavier at his unexpected expression of desire, and your lips part.

He leans toward you, kissing you gently, before pulling away and looking slightly embarrassed.

"Uh... I'm sorry... I didn't mean..." He trailed off awkwardly, avoiding eye contact by bending to pick up the umbrella. When he stands up you slip your arm around his waist, resting your head against this complete stranger and questioning your life choices. After a moment he rests his arm across your shoulders, the other hand holding the umbrella to shelter you.

You continue to walk for several steps, and hear Jeonghan humming something under his breath. You look up at him enquiringly, and he starts singing out loud. You don't recognise the song, but this mysterious angel has an angelic voice to match his face.

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