1. Hansol

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Autumn Mornings
Light filters through the glass panes of the window as the sun rises, a golden kiss against the quickly-lightening sky. The dew that covers the grass outside like a blanket glistens in the sunlight, lasting for a few moments more before it is dissipated by the fire burning in the east, the flames of which are growing and brightening to fill the sky and banish the darkness of night.

Birds rise from the trees and fly into the air, calling out to each other as they welcome the new morning. A crisp, fresh breeze sets the leaves that carpeted the ground twirling and tumbling, and brings more falling from the branches to join them in their Autumn dances.

It is early in the morning, near the end of October. You open your eyes slowly, raising your hand to rub your eyes. Next to you, your boyfriend stirs, turning his head to kiss your forehead and tightening his arms around you. Tucking your head under his chin, you inhale deeply. You love the way Hansol smells; like coffee and dark musk.

You lie like that for several sweet moments more before Hansol groans softly into your hair.

"We really need to get up, baby," He murmurs, his warm breath tickling your forehead. You shake your head firmly, turning your head to kiss his neck. His breath hitches and he threads his fingers into your hair, tilting his head back, and for a moment you think you have won him over. But then he sighs and begins to sit up, leaning down to whisper into your ear.

"You stay there, darling. I'll make breakfast."

You smile gratefully and turn over, snuggling into the duvet. Ten minutes later, the sweet smell of pancakes wafts into the room. Climbing out of bed, you pull on one of Hansol's jumpers and wander into the kitchen.

Hansol stands at the stove, his back to you. Crossing the kitchen, you wrap your arms around him from behind and lean your head against his shoulder.

"Baby can you get the syrup?" He asks, skilfully tossing a pancake. Nodding, you fetch it, pull a plate out of the cupboard, and cutlery out of the drawer.

Hansol tips the pancakes carefully onto the plate, and you pour syrup over them. Carrying them to the table, you take a seat and your boyfriend sits next to you as you share the pancakes. When you are done, he makes you a steaming mug of coffee and you curl up together on the sofa to drink it whilst watching TV.

Outside, the weather is cold and people hurry past on the street below wrapped in coats and scarves. But here, inside, snuggled against Hansol, you are comfy and warm and content, and wish you could stay like that forever.

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