Sep. 14

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September 14, 2013

Hey guys!!! Sorry I haven't updated I've been crazy busy so i might not update as often but ill try!


Yesterday we had a pep rally and a volleyball game as well as a football game. Ok so the PepRally was superman themed and the theme song was soulja boy OMFG it was Awesome!! we had his little sister flipping with the freshman so we won the spirit stick for the soulja boy we had a thun thun thun dance contest! lol our pep rally's be getting crunk!! Then at the volleyball game we played against one of the best schools in our district and almost beat them. then at the football game we lost 64-32 to #8 in the state of Texas.. Considering were a really small school we didn't do too bad. Then me and two of my favorite cheerleaders all got baes! lol of course mines #9 Jennifer's is #30 and Skkyes Is #11 lol we were all like watching just those three guys the whole game :) man my baes hot :)))) lol he's so damn cute and I love his little sisters and then he's like smart and can play the saxophone and can lift and he's so damn muscular and cute. I hope he runs track! wow I'm like really weird! lol so Thursday two of my guy friends were Tryna teach us how to do backflips and back tucks then my cheer coach got mad at us and was like "y'all try that again and y'all won't cheer" on top of that I got in trouble from my volleyball coach be cause I was jumping too many plyometric blocks like really?!? lol Im like one if the only ones that can do it! Whoot! Whoot! p.s I'm only like 5'2 and the blocks were at like 4'7? Lol

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