December 2nd, 2049...
Blade Hero X, also known as BHX, is a virtual game created by a group of Japanese Game Masters called Xano. Blade Hero X is the first MMORPG created and was released all over. It sold out on the first day in markting in United States, Japan, South America, and Asia. Over 400 million players, kids and adults alike, were playing online.
Girl players on Blade Hero X and Boy players didn't get along quiet often. Lucy Armstrong and her cousin Kristen Shiro, are two strong female players in the online world. Lucy's life takes a turn however when a male player and his friend approach, asking her for a duel...
...The game begins to start acting strange... And the players inside must now find a way to fix it.
This Beautiful Yet Virtual World (Book 1: The Reality of A World)
RomanceBlade Hero X... Isn't your normal virtual video game. Not only is it the first MMORPG of the whole entire world, but its been sold out all over the world. In Blade Hero X, there is 'a big difference' in the strength of male and female players... How...