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      I carried my luggage bag down the steps the following morning. It wasn't even 8am but I was wide awake and ready. Pepper would be here any moment to pick me up. From here we'll go to the airport, and then fly to New York!

     When I reached the living room, someone was standing by the kitchen. Coulson "Hi" I smiled, lugging my bag with me over to him "What are you doing here?"

     He gave me an almost sad smile "I came to say goodbye. I'm being transferred to New Mexico"

     "What?" My smile faded "you're leaving? Last time you left, I didn't see you for like 6 or 7 months!"

     "I know Jes" he sighed, leaning his shoulder against the wall "but something has come up and it's urgent"

"What? What's come up?"

"Can't say"

"Yes you can. All you have to do is speak"

"It's not like that Jessi"

     "Coulson" I groaned, gripping his arm "Please! If it's a secret, I won't tell. Just don't keep me out of the loop. I already know that Natalie isn't an assistant, she's a spy"

     He looked around the room, making sure that nobody was listening. Pepper wasn't here, and Dad was downstairs setting up some scientific project thing that I don't know that much about. He spoke in a hushed tone "Some type of... hammer like object fell from from out of no where and is currently sitting in New Mexico. That's honestly all we know. But, the hammer won't budge. Nobody can lift it, not even a machine can"

    "Well, that's not as cool and as 'SHIELD' like as I thought it was going to be" I admitted "it's just a hammer"

"Yea" he chuckled "it's not that exciting. Are you happy now?"

"Eh" I shrugged.

    "Anyway, I need to get going. I'm glad I got to work with you guys over the past year Jessi. It's been a pleasure"

    "I'm glad you were here with me, it's good to know that I don't have to go through this alone" I laughed slightly, covering up the sadness of goodbye. He shook my hand and left. The sound of to glass door sliding shut seemed to vibrate around the house.

    I feel like Coulson is the only sane person in this world, the rest are out of their minds. I watched him through the window, he got in to his car and drove down the road, away from us. I wondered how long he'll be away this time.
Another person entered the house "Pepper!" I called.

    "Are you ready to go, Jessi?" She asked, poking her red head in to the kitchen. I smiled, suddenly feeling excited "Well come on then" she waved.

    I picked up my bag and followed after her. Dad didn't come up to tell me goodbye, which stung a smidge. Maybe he's just jealous that I get to go to New York and not him, or possibly he's just busy. Last night he told me that he was rediscovering an element that his Father discovered. That's cool, I guess.

    I know absolutely nothing about elements so I pretend to be interested when he told me "Natalie will be joining us" Pepper said "she will meet us at the airport"

    "Cool" I set my bag down in the trunk of the car and slid in to the back seat. Natalie, Natalie Rushman. Ha! More like Natasha Romanoff, SHIELD spy working for the one eyed guy. I would have never guessed that she was undercover, she's really good at what she does.

    Happy was driving the car and Pepper sat up beside him. Happy was playing some 80's disco music that was making my wars bleed.

     "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Staying alive, Staying alive, Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Staying aliiiiivvee" Happy sang loudly behind the wheel. I covered my ears, doing my best to keep my sanity. His voice was like glass bullets trying to puncture my ear drum.

    That reminds me, I wonder if Dad ever saw that hole in the wall where I accidentally shot Happy's gun... which was suppose to be unloaded but it really wasn't. Pepper turned around in her seat to look at me, she was trying her best to ignore the body guard.

    "It's a long flight to New York, across the country. I hope you brought somethings to do"

    "I did" I patted my book bag "games, books, homework, and movies. Also food. Can't forget about food"

"They have food on the plane, you know"

    "I know. I brought extra just in case they run out on the plane. If you don't eat, you die"

Pepper laughed, turning back around in her seat.

     We reached the Malibu Airport about twenty minutes later. Our private jet was waiting for us outside the building. Natalie stood beside her car in the launch area, she wore black sunglasses and a black tight dress. Very spy like. She removed her sun glasses and smiled to me "Hi, Jessi. How are you?"

   "I'm good Natas-alie" I quickly corrected myself. Knowing that Natalie isn't really Natalie. It's almost like I'm the spy "I haven't seen you in awhile"

    "Yes I know" she took my luggage bag in her hands and started walking up the stairs to the door of the jet "I've been busy lately"

"Oh" I smiled, following her up the stairs "I'm sure you have"

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