Ch•7- He's Unpredictable

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A/N: I heard that Marvel comics has created a new character to take the place of Tony Stark as Iron Man? Riri William is her name I believe. I'm going to be honest with you, no one can take the place of RDJ.

The glass door slid shut after Steve stormed out. Dad returned back to work as if the whole conversation had never happened. I felt bad for Steve, everyone is just picking on him because he's an easy target from the forties.

  "That's the guy my dad never shut up about?" Dad turned to ask us, sounding annoyed "Wondering if they should have kept him on ice" I shook my head and sat back down on the stool. Why does he have to be so rude to everyone that he comes in contact with?

Well, he's not rude to Doctor Banner... but to the Captain? What had Steve ever done to him? I remember Dad told me that he was at one point a big Captain America fan, he was even dressed as him for Halloween one year! So why did he ever stop?

"The guy's not wrong about Loki though" Doctor Banner tapped a few buttons on his hologram screen, "He does have the jump on us" at least he was giving Steve some credit.

"What he's got is an ACME dynamite kit" Dad said "It's gonna blow up in his face, and I'm gonna be there when it does"

"And I'll read all about it"

"Or... you know" I said slowly and tapped a pencil on the surface of the table, feeling boredom take over "you'll be suiting up with the rest of the Avengers" I gave him the smallest wink. It would be cool to see the Doctor transform into the raging Hulk. It might not be the safest thing in the world but definitely the coolest.

"Ah, see" Doctor Banner shook his head with a subtle smile "I don't get a suit of armor" He suddenly became really low. His voice dropped and his eyes looked down to the floor "I'm exposed, like a nerve. It's a nightmare"

I immediately felt bad for hearing that. I never thought about it that way. What the Hulk means to him it a lot different from what it means to me. I see it as a cool superpower, and he sees it as a nightmare.

Dad stepped in to the conversation, pointing his finger directly at his chest where the ARC reactor was "You know, I've got a cluster of shrapnel, trying every second to crawl its way into my heart. This stops it. This little circle of light. It's part of me now, not just armor. It's a... terrible privilege"

"But you can control it"

"Because I learned how"

"It's different" Doctor Banner tried to return to his computer screen, but Dad slide the data aside with his fingers so he could talk to him face to face.

"Hey" He said soothingly, wow he sounds weird when he isn't being sarcastic "I've read all about your accident. That much gamma exposure should have killed you"

"So you're saying that the Hulk..." He seemed to cringe at the word 'Hulk' "The other guy... saved my life. That's nice. It's a nice sentiment. Saved it for what?"

"I guess we'll find out" Dad smirked, returning to his computer, Banner did the same.

"You might not like that"

"You just might."


I don't even know what time it was. Maybe morning? The sun wasn't up yet so I'm not so sure. The heli-carrier was buzzing with life though. Agents strolled here and there, working, chatting, being agents. Surprisingly, I wasn't even tired, maybe a little bored, but not tired.

Dad has been giving me so many fun jobs to do while I'm here. He showed me how to scan the spear, read the encrypted data, and he even let me in on a little secret. Now, he's not positive, but he's trying to hack into the SHIELD main frame (don't ask me why, it's Dad, he's unpredictable) and he thinks that SHEILD is trying to use the Tesseract to make weapons! Crazy, right?

"So" I leaned my elbows against the table, trying to start up a conversation with Doctor Banner, the lab was extremely quiet at the moment. Dad was on one side of the room, Banner was at the other. I tried talking to Dad but he purposefully ignored me to get his work done.

"So..." Bruce gave a small smile, waiting for me to continue.

"Why did you leave the states for that other country?" I asked, wanting to know more about the man who transforms in to the Hulk.

"For many reasons" he kept his eyes on the computer.

I shook my head, giving a small chuckle "I'm sorry sir, not to be rude, but that doesn't exactly answer my question" Doctor Banner almost looked proud at me for recognizing that he hadn't answer my question entirely.

"Don't piss him off!" Dad called from across the room. I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not. He blurs the line sometimes and it impossible to get a read of him.

"She's not" Banner rolled his eyes "no it's fine" he removed his glasses and took a deep breath "basically, I left to get away from people, to be less of a threat"

"I understand" I groaned slightly, feeling every ounce of his pain. People can be quite aggravating "I'm guessing the other you gets triggered relatively easy with other people?" I asked.

"You could say that, but I chose to get away to keep others safe from the other me. He's not a fun mutant to be around when angered"

"I've seen the footage"

"So, then you know"

       "I know, but" I shrugged "Mr. Banner I don't think you're dangerous, if you were then I'd be too afraid to talk to you right now. And trust me sir, I'm afraid of a lot of things!"

"Jessi Stark you aren't afraid of anything" my Dad added from across the room.

"Yeah, I've heard the stories about you" Doctor Banner added with a smile.

       I shot my dad an annoyed glance. He talked about me to Captain America, now the Hulk? He's just telling the whole wide world about me isn't he? "Why do you always talk about me?" I asked him.

"Because you're pretty awesome"

Just then, Mr. Fury entered the room. I immediately noticed that something urgent must have come up. Dad was about to ask questions but was cut off when Mr. Fury pointed directly at me. My eyes widened at his tone and dark one eye.

"Jessica, I need you"

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