A Fallen Goddess

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I had been their queen,
I saw all that was to be seen,
I had watched over their land for such a long time,
I had protected them and prevented crime,
I had kept evil in check and chased away invaders,
I had gone hand to hand with tigers, bears and alligators,
To keep them safe I would have given my life,
Taken a blow from an arrow, sword or knife.

I was not their creator though they worshipped me,
I was jut a being with power as humble as can be,
I had been searching for the source of cries that had whispered in my dreams,
So I had called upon the power I wielded of the soft moons beams,
And asked it to guide me to these peoples plight,
So I could take up their fight.

I found a small village under attack,
From there I could not turn back,
The battle was fierce and the sights a shock,
Creatures dark as black and strong as rock,
Chasing, hurting and hunting these innocent villagers,
They were murderers, beasts and pillagers,
And the people had no chance,
So I took up my sword, my arrows and entered my battle trance,
Where no one has hope of defeating me,
And I am as strong as I can possibly be.

I entered the fray without a second glance,
Began the graceful twirling, parrying and strikes like a dance,
My blood hummed with the song of justice,
Where they were caused pain, I crushed it,
Before long I had sent the enemy away,
Battered and hurt they were not to return night or day,
And the people rejoiced their saviour,
I began to leave as I always do- and from this I never waver,
I fight, I save and I leave,
And though to leave has made my heart grieve,
No matter the connections I make, I must go,
For I have an eternal foe,
Once a century the beast frees its shackles,
It bruises the sky and makes it crackle,
It causes the oceans to rise up in protest,
There is no being that can match its strength in contest,
Except I who wields the light in the dark,
I who wields the protectors mark,
That declares me the world's only choice,
Of defeating the beast over and over again, and didn't the people rejoice!
Yes I had become known as a goddess of protection,
To the mortal's plight of darkness, I was the correction,
Soon they had raised temples and written songs,
At first this felt so so wrong,
I was not a being created for worship,
I was just born different I admit,
I was born under an especially strong moon,
Whose light had wrapped me up in a cocoon,
And released me one year later as a child of night,
With my heart and soul now filled with moonlight.

My people took me back in despite their fear,
For they knew I was now something all together rather peculiar,
It was not until I was five that I realised I was not scared of the shadows,
Or the chorus of wolves that unleashed their howls,
Or the cry of the owl all through our sleep,
When I should have been in bed I would take a peek,
Open my curtains and look out on the silver land,
But to venture out there was banned,
Children were not allowed out after sunset,
But I could not be kept,
At seven I finally ventured past my window,
And found the night was not filled with foe,
But was a magical and peaceful time,
And the moon once again shone down on me, soft and kind,
It began to sing to me as it does the sea,
Showing me who I was destined to be,
It taught me to wield the silver light in my heart,
It made me strong to face my differences and that I'm apart,
From the rest of humanity and always would be,
My people never knew of my power and who was truly me,
For I trained in secret every time the sun went down,
Going far into the wilderness where they would hear no sound.

At fifteen I was almost grown,
And my skills were nearly honed,
I could make the night sky whisper its secrets in my ear,
I knew what was happening far away and here,
I could make the moonlight grow across the sky,
I could make it gift me with the power to fly,
I could make it heal the wounded creatures,
And let the nocturnal plants show their features,
I could make fresh water surface from the ground,
And I listened to the beautiful howls of night hounds.

A Fallen GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now