Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Two more classes and the day is finally over. A few people initiate the usual curious-about-the-new-kid conversations. You know, where are you from, what bases have you lived at, what brings you here, the old standby stuff people ask when they want to be polite but don't really want to get to know you. I try to be gracious, I really do, but all I want to do was stab myself in the eye with a fork.

I used to be a people person, I really did.

Once upon a time in another life.

I walk to my car, my bag heavy with the new textbooks I've been assigned. To my surprise, Reid is waiting for me. He hadn't spoken a word during chemistry and had vanished as soon as the bell rang. I didn't see him the rest of the day, but I'm glad he's here.

He leans against my passenger door, his glasses reflecting the late-day sun.

"Hey," I say gently.

"Hey. Look, I want to apologize for earlier. It's just that Oliver and I, well, we don't really get along."

I snicker, "Noticed. I assume there's a story behind that."

He looks away. "Yeah, but if it's all the same, I don't really want to tell it. Let's just say we were friends once, and then we weren't. No one can push your buttons like people you used to be close to."

I nod, knowing that all too well. Being close to someone is basically like handing them a knife and turning your back. Eventually, they will stab you in it.

"I get that." I bit my bottom lip. "And it's clearly none of my business."

He looks back at me and smiles, "Cool."

A weaker girl would have meddled. But I resist. Barely.

"Do you need a ride home or something?" I ask, scanning the parking lot.

I don't want to be rude, but he's still leaning on my car.

He stands up and takes a step back, pointing to a baby-blue scooter.

"Nah, see that sleek man-machine? That's me."

I choke back a giggle.

"Ah, yes. It's very manly," I joke, hoping he isn't the kind of guy who gets super sensitive about his ride.

"It's okay, you can laugh. I'm saving up for a Ninja, so..."

"That's funny, I'm saving up for a pirate," I retort.

He snickers. "Cute and quick with the lame jokes, we might just have to be friends, Farris."

I hold up a finger, "On one condition. Tell me how you feel about Captain Jack Harkness."

He puckers his lips, looking very serious. "He makes me question my own sexuality."

I smile. Oh yes, we're going to be great friends. We might even need some kind of secret handshake.

"And as for the scooter, I needed something to get me around town once I had my license. With my parents' schedules, I used to have to walk to my karate classes. At least now I can ride, in semi-comical style."

"Karate class? For real?"

He shrugs. "I was a hyper kid, the parents thought it might help me channel some energy."

"Yeah, nothing says clam down like learning to face-kick people." I pause, "Don't you find it a tad ironic that you want to drive a Ninja to karate class?"

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