hey beautiful people, so if you are here this far which isn't much, i thank you very much for reading it or whatever :) ah lets continue shall we? yes ^.^
Chapter Two
Ana's Prov~
Twitter kept me busy in some way i guess, i mean nothing helps a lot, just a little. I some what regret following Liam back....It is already done can't do anything now. I log off and start too listen to Ariana Grande new album "Yours Truly." Some how I am in LOVE with her album!! It's amazing. So I take that back, somethings do help me :)
Liam's Prov~
Is this really her? did she finally follow me back in over all these few years? I must check, but I...I can't. Well Liam you already did buddy. My brain teases me too much, Ana being my best friend since forever and we just stop talking like that? It makes no sense. but then again it does. I seriously wish I didn't mess up that bad with her and leave. She was crying for fucking sake. I need too DM her now, I miss her and should tell her to text me? Is that too much? I think I should ask Lou. Yup that's what I'll do. if I ever get the chance to fix what happen between me and Ana I'll take it.