When I got out of the woods I was happy
I got proof that the slender man is real
Once I got back home I was wondering if I'm going to be okay
I had brusises all over my body
When I got inside I put the head on the table and went upstairs
I layed on my bed and went to sleep
Then I heard a noise downstairs
I got up and I saw the head was gone
Then I heard a screaching noise
I turned around slowly and saw the head of slender man
His head was walking towards me and tried to get me
I ran upstairs but one of his tenticales got my leg
His 8 tenticales grabbed my neck, legs, arms and my chest
I couldn't barely move
His head was directly staring at me
I could feel my soul coming out of my body
I knew this day will come now I will die
But luckly I had a knife beside me
I took it and cut his head in half
The tenticales were off of me and I felt relived
I went back upstairs and went to bed
The next morning I wasn't awake
I couldn't open my eyes
Or I couldn't move
So I lyied there and I was dead that was the time I killed slender man 2 times.
I died mysteriously when I was asleep.
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