stay with me

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Mya's pov
I sit back flushed from all the drama. "You ok?" Brendon asks me. "Yeah." My voice creeks. Yes I'm sick. I have been running a fever since the incident 2 days ago. Hayley, paramore's singer, turns to me. "As the only girls we have to look after each other." she winks at me which makes both of us break into a fit of laughter. Elisa turns to me. "What?" She demands. "Woah. Why you hate me? Because your not the only girl?" I grin at her. "Please! I'm not jelous of you. But I suggest you stay away from MY boyfriend." She sneers. I look over at Patrick who is now ruby red because of what she just told me. "Lets just rest a moment." he takes Elisa's hand and pulls her away from the group. "Total brat." Pete mumbles to us. I smirk at what he said."yea. 'I'm not jelous of you! But stay away from MY boyfriend.'" I mock Elisa. Hayley giggles, "she's totally jelous."
["Maybe we should go." My friend, Liz, pulls my shirt sleeve. "But we just got here." I point out to her. "I.. I" She stops dead in her tracks, "I'm leaving. Bye." She storms off. "She's totally jelous." I turn to my boy friend. "I guess."]
Joe pulls me close. "MOVE!" Patrick pushes him out the way and takes me into his arms. "Skittle. Skittle, dont worry I'm here." He strikes my hair lightly. "I.. I cant breathe!" I cry. He picks me up bridal style and yells at Pete, "CALL AN AMBULANCE!" Pete doesn't wait one second before he's calling 911. I don't remember what happens next, mainly because I pass out.
Patrick's pov
My cheeks burn red as I feel the tears roll down my cheeks. Mya is in my arms. Her lips are turning blue. "Please Mya. Stay with me." Pete pulls me back away from her as the Ambulance pulls in. "She's over here." Andy and Brendon direct the men to Mya's breathless body. "One can ride with her." the main ER's man informs us. "I'll go." Joe volunteers. "No. Patrick, you go." Andy pushes me forward. Before I can ask why I'm being pulled into the truck. I ride with Mya all the way to the hospital. Once we get there doctors and nurses surround her near lifeless body. What happened to her?

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