Natsu x Reader [i'm a Monster]

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Let's do this *\(^o^)/*
Reader's Pov:
I walk into the guild seeing everyone doing the same thing every day, Cana is drinking, Lucy is talking with Mira , Gray and Natsu Are fighting again, Juvia is stalking Gray, Erza is eating cake. I walk over to Mira and Lucy and sit down, "Hey  (y/n) ,you look down today, are you ok?"Mira asked looking at me curiously, I let out a sight "Yeah I guess, you should know that I don't like the cold or winter"I said with a tone of annoyance ( idk if it's a real word but whatever,it means she's annoyed), they let out a giggle and I just rolled my eyes, I was a fire Mage just like Natsu ,but Natsu isn't affected of the cold while for me I hate the cold it affects my mood . Next thing I know I feel something cold hit my back ,then I realize it was a snow ball that Gray threw at Natsu but it just had to hit me instead. I slowly stood up, I was almost as strong as Erza so everyone was scared of me, I turn around and look at Gray and Natsu. The guild was quiet everyone was staring at me, they knew that I hated the cold and it made me be in a bad mood, " which one of you threw that?!" I growled at them, they all looked at me terrified,I saw Gray's eyes , they went wide and was frozen in fear I suddenly knew it was Gray, "hehe well  I have to go now ,I have to do my laundry "Gray said and quickly turned around and started to walk away. Lucy and Mira tried to calm me down, I sat back down and the guild became normal again,I feel someone put they're hand on my shoulder,it was warm I suddenly knew it was Natsu, "jeez (y/n) you're like an ice cube " he told me ,I gave him a confused look. "What do you mean?"I asked him wanting to know what he meant by 'you're like an ice cube', " I mean you're skin is freezing cold"he said letting out a laugh, I roll my eyes " probably because I got hit with a snow ball"I said and then I whispered loud enough for him to hear me "idiot" he looked at me and started laughing,"if anyone's the idiot here it's you because you didn't even beat the crap out of that ice freak" he said and then fell on the ground because he was laughing. I felt like kicking him,"Hey Mira im going home early today, see you tomorrow "I said and she nodded and waved goodbye. I left the guild and started walking home, I felt like crying but I stopped myself from crying .
At home...
Finally home I get in my pyjamas and lay on my bed,I finally let the tears flow,I was crying waterfalls, the reason I didn't beat up Gray is that I realized that it's annoying that everyone is scared of you just because you have a lot of strength, I didn't want them to be scared of me I always try to not be scary,just knowing that my friends were scared that I would beat them up is kinda sad,I hear my window open I quickly open my eyes to see Natsu standing at the window,he enters my room and closes the window, 'why is he here and can't he just use the stupid door'I thought to myself. I quickly wiped my tears away hoping he didn't see me crying,I don't think he noticed "what are you doing here?"I ask softly, since Natsu had took me to Fairy tail when I was younger, he had found me in an alleyway sleeping ,it was winter and my parents had died so Natsu decided took take me to Fairy tail I had soon joined the guide and since then I had developed a crush on him,"well it wasn't like you to leave that early so I decided to come here and check on you to see if you were alright "he said and gave that smile that I admired,I then felt a pair of arms wrap around me "why are you crying?"he whispered softly and stroked my hair,I had finally realized that I had started crying,I don't want him to see me like this it just proves that I'm weak," (y/n) answer my question, why are you crying? Did someone hurt you?if so tell me and I will make sure that they never make you cry again"he said and looked at me,I looked away trying to not look at him,he softly turned my head to him making me look into his eyes, I tried looking away "(y/n), look at me" he said softly I finally looked at him,"now tell me why you're crying "he whispered I just cried more "I-I'm a monster Natsu!" I choked out and cried more and more, "what do you mean?You're not a monster "he said and let out a little laugh,"Yes I am! Everyone at the guild was staring at me terrified like I was a monster!" I screamed/whispered,he looked at me with soft eyes and started to smile , "no one thinks you're a monster, you're (y/n),not a monster "he said still smiling,out of nowhere he smashed (softly XD)his lips onto mine,his lips were warm, when we finally broke the kiss he caressed my cheek and whispered those 3 words I always wanted to hear... "I love you" I started to smile "I love you too Natsu" then we kissed again...

The end
So this was my first one shot so sorry if it sucked but I liked it
《request open》
【994 words】

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