Jimin the jealous boyfriend

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Things between you and Jimin. Have been. Complicated so you decided to talk to V. And you Guys Thought that it would be a good idea if your surprised Everyone by showing Up without warning

V: Hey everything's going according to the plan. So,Yeah...No need to worry Jimin doesn't suspect a thing

Since I really love seeing you guys together. I'm gonna do my best to help you out! I know that things haven't gone as well as you thought they would but. They'll get better I'll make sure everything will be in place for when you get back. Since. We have. A photoshoot. That day, I'll text you the address and you'll show up alright I'm sure. Jimin will be very happy to see you. Don't forget it's our job to surprise the rest of the members especially Jimin. I got to go before they come back.

After a few days, you finally got. To go to Korea to see them again. V texted. You the address, and you. Went there as fast as you could

As soon as you got there the guys spotted you and you explained* them what was going on

Jin: I seriously can't wait to see his face

JH: Yeah, it's definitely a great idea. Good luck

Since you got there before Jimin. You decided to look around and hang out with them

You see that v its making fun of RM

Jin it's surprised *

JH: Hey aren't I sexy

V: he's. Here

You finally get to see him.

Jimin sees you and he smiles. And feels happy*

While there. Filming. You are watching them *

JK: Ah, I'm so glad you're here we've all missed you a lot. He gets embarrassed. Wish you. Good luck

RM: It's nice to see you again, You look great

V: Jimin started to ask me. A bunch of questions. It felt like an interrogation I didn't say. A thing tho

Jimin: You really caught me out of guard I'm so happy

Suga: This is embarrassing when you're around

Jimin: Acting is weird when you're around is worse I'm gonna die of embarrassment

When the photoshoot ended they decided to mess with Jimin



Jimin: Hey-Hey! BACK OFF!!

V: Hey I'll always be your favorite

JK: Love you the most!


Jimin Rushes to you and. Say. Watch out for these pervs. I'll protect you!

Jk: accept my heart baby girl

JH: Hey if you. Ever need a real man. Call me

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