Part 8: What you call him to annoy him

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H a r r y: Gryffindork. Not only was it funny because Harry was in Gryffindor but you found it hilarious because Harry was really popular in school and calling him Gryffindork meant that he gave you that 'one eyebrow raised' look that made you burst out laughing and made Harry bury his head in his hands.

 Not only was it funny because Harry was in Gryffindor but you found it hilarious because Harry was really popular in school and calling him Gryffindork meant that he gave you that 'one eyebrow raised' look that made you burst out laughing and mad...

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R o n: Ronald. Ron would always get so annoyed when you called him by his proper name that he'd start whining like a little child, dramatically throwing himself onto the nearest flat surface which was usually the floor. It was hilarious, he knew it, you knew it, the entire student body knew it.

 It was hilarious, he knew it, you knew it, the entire student body knew it

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D r a c o: Shnookums. Draco regarded himself as undeniably cool and suave so it always dampened him when you called him 'Shnookums,' out loud. In front of everyone. But when you called him that when no one else was around, he'd blush slightly and bury his face into your neck. Score.

N e v i l l e:  Marshmallow

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N e v i l l e: Marshmallow. You couldn't help it. Marshmallow was just the fluffiest name for the man with the fluffiest personality ever. But Neville didn't like it, it took away his masculinity apparently but in your eyes, 'Marshmallow' just made the young Longbottom more attractive than ever.

 But Neville didn't like it, it took away his masculinity apparently but in your eyes, 'Marshmallow' just made the young Longbottom more attractive than ever

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F r e d: Froggy. Fred always cringed every time you addressed him as 'Froggy' because it made him feel like the amphibian itself but all you had to do remind him about happens when a princess kisses a frog. But he would still be annoyed because you technically called him a frog again.

 But he would still be annoyed because you technically called him a frog again

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G e o r g e: Twinkle toes. There wasn't even a reason for you to call him that. You just liked the way it felt on your tongue and the way George would start poking you in the stomach with a dead serious look on his face but you knew, inside he was either screaming with laughter, or crying tears of fury.

 You just liked the way it felt on your tongue and the way George would start poking you in the stomach with a dead serious look on his face but you knew, inside he was either screaming with laughter, or crying tears of fury

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* T o m:  Tommy. Tom was one of the most serious people you had ever met. Even when he was being affectionate towards you, he'd have a stony glaze over his eyes. So it was hilarious for you to call him Tommy and watch as he tried to keep a straight face, and failed, collapsing into a face palm of exasperation.

 So it was hilarious for you to call him Tommy and watch as he tried to keep a straight face, and failed, collapsing into a face palm of exasperation

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* S e v e r u s:  Patootie. Severus was really nowhere near a 'Patootie' kind of person. In fact, he wasn't much of a nickname person at all, the furthest he allowed was 'Sev'. But you liked to break rules and this was one of them.

 But you liked to break rules and this was one of them

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* * O l i v e r:  Ollie Bear. Oliver was a burly Quidditch player and Captain so it was unusual for him to be seen with his girlfriend as she called him 'Ollie Bear,' because it just didn't suit the image, ya know? So he pretended to be annoyed but you knew he secretly enjoyed the nickname.

 Oliver was a burly Quidditch player and Captain so it was unusual for him to be seen with his girlfriend as she called him 'Ollie Bear,' because it just didn't suit the image, ya know? So he pretended to be annoyed but you knew he secretly enjoye...

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