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(The gif has nothing to do with the one shot so yeaaaaaaaaahhhh)

(The gif has nothing to do with the one shot so yeaaaaaaaaahhhh)

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 Hoshi sat in the waiting room next to room 207. The doctor came out saying Hoshi can go in now. "Ready Mrs.Kwon?" Dr.Jung asked. "Yes..." You had a contraction again. "Yebo come on you can do it" Hoshi smiled. "Okay Mrs.Kwon, push at 3 okay. ONE,TWO,THREE!" Dr.Jung shouted. You squeezed Hoshi's hand. After 3 times of pushing the last time you screamed in pain.

 "Its a boy." Dr.Jung smiled. You cried and couldn't control your emotions. "You did great babe." Hoshi kissed you lips to calm you down. Dr.Jung placed the baby in your arms carefully. "Hun he has your features." You play with your sons hand. "His name will be Soonmin." Hoshi smiled. "Sounds nice." You laugh.

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