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A/N: Okay if you are sensitive don't read any more of my stuff. My writing is more if you ain't so dramatic don't read. Nothing bad about being dramatic, I am  dramatic to. Please do not read if you get offend easily. Do not send hate comments, death threats, any negative things. You may send some help, like how I can approve but no more than that.

 Please be patient with my writing. I can only update on Saturdays rarely Friday. My schedule is crammed so please wait. There is ALOT OF CURSING!!! I warned you. If I make a mistake tell me. I will be glad if you guys could tell others about my page, it would be amazing. Bye, Thanks

                                                                                                                                                       Sincerely your crazy author,

                                                                                                                                                                                 Zoe Vang


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