Opposites Attract

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Opposites Attract, or so the saying goes. Kido had never really believed that but somehow here she was, sitting in Momo's room letter her mess around with her hair.

"Uwaaah your hair is so pretty danchou!" the idol cooed.

"thanks, I guess it is, I've never really done much with it." the greenette shrugged.

Momo continued to braid and part her hair eventually tying it up into a bun, with the braid wrapped around it. she put something in her hair before grabbing a handheld mirror off the counter and giving it to Kido.

"What do you think?" Momo asked while admiring her handiwork.

Kido just stared at her reflection in shock, she had never seen her hair in any other style besides tying it up in the back, and a bobcut.

"Do you not like it? I can take it out if you-" Momo's nervous ramblings were cut off by Kido.

"No it's fine, I'm just not used to having my hair like this. It's surprisingly comfy." She smiled at the orange-ette

"Glad to hear it! if you want I can show you how to do it yourself," she suggested.

Kido felt the heat in her cheeks rise, she took a quick glance in the mirror and sure enough, she was blushing, THE Kido Tsubomi was blushing. Why was she was blushing she didn't know. hell, she didn't WANT to know, all she knew is that somehow Momo was focusing all her attention on herself without activating her power.

Though unbeknownst to both of them, 2 people were very excited about the non-gang related interaction between the two.

"I think she's blushing, hear anything good, Seto?" the first asked

"Kano! Shhhh! I have to concentrate!" the taller male replied.

~~~~~ Back to the lovely ladies! :) ~~~~

Kido was currently in a state of mental panic. Why? because Momo fell asleep on her shoulder. She doesn't know how she keeps getting into these messes. one minute she's watching a movie with Momo, the next she's debating mentally on whether to move Momo onto her bed and leave or wake her up. Though of course in the tradition of fluff, she feels asleep as well.

"Seto look!" the cat-eyed teen whispered

"Quick get the camera and a blanket!" he whispered back.


Okay she was done, she'll admit it, she likes Momo Kisaragi. No point in denying it now.

She could see her older sister (no not Ayano, her biological sister.) mocking her know

[don't be a chicken Kido! Tell her how you feel! You get to be her knight in shining armor!]

___________________________________The Next Morning______________

She told everyone but Momo. and asked for advice.

here were the results:

Seto: THEY GROW UP SO FAST *fake tears*

Kano: OH MY DIRTY //slapped//

Hibiya: if I learned anything about her it's that she's determined, and an airhead.

Konoha: I like her too, she's a friend. //smol innocent bean//

Shintaro: I am totally fine with you two dating *thumbs up*

Takane/Ene: TELL LITTLE SISTER HOW YOU FEEL DANCHOU! :D *cyber sparkles*

Marry: YUURRRIIII //slapped again//


Meanwhile with Momo...

Momo Kisaragi used to laugh at love and laugh with Ene [her and Takane are technically the same person mind you] about her older brother about being a "hopeless virgin", but all of that has come back to haunt her. Why? Becuase she, THE Momo Kisaragi, was in love, with someone she probably shouldn't be for that matter., and that person was none other than Kido Tsubomi.

"Kisaragi? Can I come in?" her thoughts were interrupted by none other than Kido, knocking at her door, sounding fairly anxious.

"Sure, what's up Danchou? ((did I spell that right??))

"I..uh..wanted to tell you something

~~~~~~~Kido-chan's POV ~~~~~

"I...uh...wanted to uh tell you something.." she stuttered

oh god stop stuttering she cursed herself, but at the same time patted herself on the back because


"So I've liked you for a while now, and well I wanted to know if you wanted to like h-hang out sometime...?" she asked nervously



"I would love to Danchou! I love you too!" The idol replied cheerily while placing a sweet kiss on the greenette's cheek. 

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