Chapter Ten

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Tay stared at me, waiting for an explanation of what this note was about. I could tell shewas impatient, but I didn't know what to tell her. I was just as confused.

The handwriting was neat and tidy, just like my masked stranger had been. I could almost hear his voice through the writing, the voice I had long forgotten. How did he know who I was? Where I was? I had been wearing a mask that night, too, just like he had, not to mention it had been dark outside. I couldn't see the rest of his face, so how could he have seen mine? I thought my mask covered my face well.

"Well?" Tay asked, exasperated, interrupting my thoughts.

"Huh?" I asked with a jump, snapping out of my frantic brain activity.

"Aren't you going tell me what this is about?"

I shrugged. "I don't... really know what to say. This is weird."

"Well, come on, tell me about this ball! Who's the guy? Or is it a girl? Do you play that way?"

I gave her a look, and said, "No, and I'm not sure why it would really matter if I did or not."

"Well, I mean... I just wanted to be respectful... Whatever, just tell me! What's going on?"

"Well, I told you my parents forced me to go the masquerade ball here to try to get used to the school. While I was there, some guy, also masked, came up to me and started talking to me. I thought it was out of sympathy, but then he asked if I wanted to go to the patio and dance with him. So, we danced, all close-like, you know? A classic slow dance, with an arm around my waist and a hand in mine. It sounds weird and sudden, but it was actually really romantic. It reminded me of a movie. Then he kissed me. Really kissed me, with passion but also gentle and respectful. It sort of reminded me of when Romeo and Juliet meet at a party. He said we'd see each other one day, and to remember him... But I don't know who it is. I have a small suspicion that it could be Mark, but I do-"

Tay squealed when I mentioned Mark. "Mark?! Oh my god! What if it was Mark? What if he recognized you this whole time? That would be precious!"

I shrugged. "I don't know if it's him, though. When the night of the ball happened, it kept me up at night. I had never blushed so much in my life. I wanted more from him. I didn't want the kiss to end. With Mark... I was fine with it ending. It didn't feel nearly as enticing or pure or innocent like it was the night of the ball. Then again, it was a crazy whirlwind of a night, so maybe I'm just remembering it to be better than it actually was. Maybe it was the excitement of kissing a stranger rather than the stranger himself."

Tay bit her lip in thought, and said, "Well. That's a pretty intense gut reaction I think you should look at it. Don't sweat it, though. No one said you had to pick the final suspect just yet, right? Just keep an open min, and try to figure if Mark really is the one. If not, keep searching. This school is not that big."

"I know. It'd just be really nice to find out soon before things with Mark get any farther. I don't want to break any hearts."

"Did you fall in love that night?" Tay asked suddenly.

I felt my eyes go wide and my cheeks start to burn red. I had never thought of that, the answer to that question. I hadn't thought of love at all.

But now that she asked, I started to realize the answer. It also made a lot of sense why I was kind of hesitant to like Mark quickly- because I was still holding out for my masked stranger.

"Yes," I said quietly, thinking this over.

I had been in love before, but I had never been in love with a stranger.

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