Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Bradley's P.O.V

"Never mind." Harry answered in a mutter as he took his food and left the room. Leaving the rest of us to just eat our lunch together. It would be  a lie to say that I wasn't worried where Harry had ran off to, but I let my worries subside and focused on the other lads and Lou. I enjoyed the delicious carry-out and then excused myself. "I'm going to go get some fresh air." I explained as I exited and rushed down the hallway.

Out of the studio and its coldness. I hated being inside, it made me feel so confined and tamed. I wanted to be free, and out somewhere free of rules and judgments. I strode along the side of the building, trying to find the shady backside of it. When I did I found Harry, resting against the wall. Head lolled over and eyes shut gingerly. He looked so sweet and innocent. I found myself drawn to him, and when I stood next to his muscled frame I inhaled deeply.

"Paul please, not now. I really need a moment." Harry whimpered as he pouted his perfect pink lips. "Umm, Harry..." I trailed off, placing a light hand on his forearm. Green eyes immediately flew open, and lips pulled into an unsteady smile. "Oh, it's you Bradley." He said more to himself than to anyone else. "Yeah, just little ole' me." I answered sweetly, trying to keep that smile on his face. I had a genuine concern for him, and just want to see him happy.

Just something about him makes me want to be near him, to mean something to him. I want to be someone he can rely on, and someone who he would do the same for in a heartbeat. I see why Louis loves him so much. Just from what I've seen of him is enough proof. That smile could brighten any day, it's absolutely beautiful and tantalizing.

"Why'd you come back here. Hazza?" I questioned, letting my hand drift down his arm to almost slide off of his hand. Yet he caught it delicately and held it in the palm of his own. I didn't think to much of it though, other than admiring how soft and supple the large expanse of his hand was. "I need a break. I'm done for the day, because I don't feel well. My sinuses are stuffy, and I want to go home." He explained in whiny childish manner. "Aw, Harry. Why don't you just head home then?" I asked unknowingly, allowing him to keep a gentle warm grip on my hand. After all it was just a friendly gesture.

"Paul won't let me. I just want to go take a nap Bradie!" He stamped his foot into the ground, as if he expected something from me. "You poor thing, what can I do?" I said, trying to help my new friend out. "Sneak away with me. Let's go, me and you, lets head back to my place and take a nice long nap." Harry said with a slight gleam in his eyes. "Why? Why do I have to go with you?" I questioned. "Because, I feel sick and don't want to be alone." He whimpered out, and tugged on my hand. "Fine, only cause we are friends." I huffed, and followed behind him. "Thank you!! Thank you!! We are best friends!" He cheered. I could then tell he wasn't lying about his sinuses. The stuffiness was audible in his rough voice. He sounded to have a simple head cold.


Harry and I had went undiscovered to my knowledge. I hope  one saw us because it would look quite suspicious; me holding his hand, laughing and giggling, then entering his apartment alone. "Want a drink or something?" He interrupted my train of thought, as he slipped off his jacket and shoes. I took my shoes off as well trying to respect him and his home. "No thanks." I answered as I followed him over to the plush couch. "What do I do?" Harry asked innocently.

What? Did he not know how to take care of himself? That's so cute. "Just lay down on the couch, and get under a throw, and I'll get you something to make you feel better." I cooed, and patted his chestnut curls gently . "Okay mommy." He said with a hearty chuckle followed by a dry cough. Signalling that he had tickle in his throat. He pulled away from me and laid down on the couch, pulling one of those super soft throws over himself. Curling up into a ball and keeping one eye on me. I nearly died at the cuteness of this sight, but just giggled instead. Tutting of into the kitchen and making Harry a cup of steaming hot tea. I spilled a little bit on my hand, and it immediately turned red and sensitive. I put the white mug on a saucer, and then tended to my burn. Whimpering and squeaking weakly as I ran cool water over it. "Oww! Oww, ouchie!!!" I continued on as I brought the drink to Harry.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He asked with another irritated cough. This time his nose was now red, and he looked paler than before. "Just burnt my hand a little bit, but I made you some peppermint tea." I said as I offered the cup out to him. "Thanks. I really appreciate it, Adi." My rather thin body somehow managed to sit on the edge of the couch infront of his tummy. He took small gulps of his drink as I tried to understand this new nickname. "Adi?" I sputtered out in confusion, no one had ever called me that one. "Yeah, like how everyone calls you Bradie, I want my special name for you to be Adi. My Adi." Harry explained looking down into the steam. I assume trying to inhale it so it could soothe some of the pressure. "Oh, that's sweet." I replied with a accepting smile, reach over to caress his pale cheek. Lacking all the traces of spark and color it had before. "You're my new favorite friend. I guess I consider you my new best friend." He mumbled out hoarsely, clearing his throat and sniffling in the middle of his sentences.

"You're my new best friend, Harry." I told him quietly as he finished off the tea. "Did that help any?" He surprisingly maneuvered completely around and placed his head in my lap. Closing his eyes and releasing a yawn. His large hands pulling the blanket up to his chin. "Yes." He replied, and nuzzled his cheek into my bare thigh.

Well he seems comfortable. I don't want to make this awkward so I'm just going to let the poor boy sleep. He seems so sick and tired, I'll let him have his way. He is so cute now. My fingers seemed to have a mind of their own; nimbly making their way to the curls resting on the nape of his neck. Twisting the hair around my digits gently, trying to ease him into slumber. He would cough and sniffle every so often, even shiver a few times. Until, he finally fell asleep. Snoring in a medium volume, not to loud to be obnoxious. Rather cute and endearing,

I guess I made myself a new bestfriend, one Louis and I now shared. Louis had told me how much of a flirt Harry would be, yet he hadn't hit on me yet. Sure, we'd had our awkward moments, but nothing to scandalous. He had just tried to be hospitable and sweet. I had just mimicked him. We had hit it off rather well, and Louis had nothing to be worried about. I loved him, while I loved Harry just as a friend. I loved Harry, but in the context that a fourteen year old girl loves that guy friend that always takes up for her and is on her side. Not the way that same fourteen year old says I love you to her boyfriend.

Already I felt so open with Harry, and I hoped this feeling was mutual.

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