Chapter 17 Miracles

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That next morning, we got started. We all went on foot, as I could not handle riding a horse. I needed to get to the entrance mountain of Kealyen.
    It wasn't actually too far away, as Kealyen borders Camelot. We were at the base of the mountain that very night. We spent the night there, and I hoped to get to the thing the next day.
    Let me tell ya, it was confusing at the fire that night. I was Arthur's servant, but they also knew I was a prince.
    I went to collect firewood, and Arthur decided to come with me. We made out way through the woods by the base of the mountain.
    "Arthur, you don't have to come, you know. Your the King, you should be sitting down." I said to him.
    "Well, you're the Prince of a potential ally country, and you're injured. You should be sitting down too." He said back to me.
    I took a deep breath. It's now or never.
    "Arthur, I know you might have already figured this out, but... I have magic." I said in one breath.
    He looked at me, but before he could talk, I rushed on.
    "I've only ever used it in service to you, and magic really isn't as bad as you think, also, I was born with it so there's really nothing I could've done, and-"
    "I know." He interrupted. My motions stilled.
    "You know? When? How?" I asked, confused and in shock.
"That guy that everyone calls Snake revealed it, and Mordred told me some things." He said.
I let loose a deep breath. "I will tell you the entire story one day. I promise."
He nodded, continuing to pick up wood. "Hey, Arthur?" I said. He turned back to me. "Yeah?"
"If you know I have magic, then I can do this."
    I set the sticks that we had collected into the air.
    Smiling at Arthur, I said, "Now we dont half to carry them."


When we got to the fire, everyone was waiting for me. I tried to ignore the stares, but they were nonstop making me feel uncomfortable.
Finally, that prat Arthur cleared his throat saying, "Merlin, you need to spill. What's going on?"
I sighed. He was right, they all are.
"I'll start with what I remember. You all know I'm a...warlock." I cleared my throat uncomfortably, looking at Arthur. He nodded to go on.
"I'm also a prince. My name is Prince Emiris Merlineayn Inglaei Antrym.
I was born with magic, as everyone in Kealyen is. My family was amazing, but we were attacked. I was knocked out, but I woke up in a room with my mother. They were setting it on fire, and we were to be burned alive.
    "But my mother made it her business to know every nook and cranny of our castle, and there was a secret passageway in that particular room.
    "Everyone thought we were dead. My father took my sister and my mother took me. We went to a small village in a kingdom close by Camlot. It was called-"
    "Ealdor, right?"
"Actually, we went to a place called Tundesa." I glared at him.
He put his hands up in mock surrender.
"We stayed there for a long time. We got along well, and there were no problems. But that's when..." I sighed.
"I was walking in a meadow, and I was kidnapped. I had no clue what was going on. From here on, it gets blurry. It was horrible. I was tortured and brainwashed and trained to be their own little agent. They did this all in an effort to get me to tell them about some great secret.
"I actually had no idea what they were talking about. That's because I met this amazing person in the cells. This person was kept captive there for so long, they forgot she was there and she grew old.
"She was about seventy five. Her name was Shannta. She seemed to know what was going on, and she gave me a forgetting potion, the same one she took when she was younger to forget what they wanted from her.
"So, there happened the worst year of my life. But, the Shannta figured out somehow just how important I was, as I forgot everything, and helped me escape. She probably died in the attempt." I choked.
Emi reached out to make sure I was okay, and I held out my hand. I needed to get over this.
"Anyway, I got back home. We immediately moved to Ealdor. That was when I found a letter in my bag. It was addressed to me... And from me. A me in the future, who told me things. I've been listening to it ever since." I finished.
    There was silence. But not for long, as I was bombarded with questions.
    "Who was this witch that helped you?"
    "Why didn't you tell us?"
    "Where did they take you after kidnapping you?"
    "When was the last time you took the potion?"
    "What is the Prophesy?"
    At the last one, my eyes opened. It was from Arthur.
    Mordred stepped up.
    "I believe I can answer this one." Mordred told everyone about the prophesy and this supposed Albian. 
    Arthur took a deep breath. I suppose this was a little much for him.
    "Come on guys. Let's get some sleep. We are very close." I said. While we all rolled out our blankets, I still sat at the fire, poking at it with a stick.
    There were many things on my mind. Not to mention that things would never be the same with Arthur. Never.

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