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"Happy Birthday Martha!" Niall yelled."Niall! Be quiet it's 6 in the morning." I replied groggily then tried to regain my sleep.

"No babe. I can't stay quiet. I'm too excited." Niall replied.

He put his arm around my waist. Already I was showered in his warmth and safety. I smiled to myself as he left sweet kisses up and down my neck and shoulder.

"Alright babe I guess I can let you sleep." Niall uttered as he nuzzled himself in the crook of my neck.

I sighed. These last two years with Niall had been perfect. He's my world and I'm his everything. I know a lot of girls would love to sbe in my place but for some crazy reason Niall chose me. Our love couldn't get any stronger.

I lied there with Niall, just reminiscing on all the memories the boys and I had shared. Not only did One Direction give me a perfect boyfriend, but also four amazing best friends. Practically my only friends. 

The boys would be coming over later tonight to me and Niall's flat to celebrate. I didn't want to make a big deal about it but Niall insisted. He always spoiled me. Giving me nothing but the best. After all, I was his princess.

Niall pressed his lips just behind my ear and whispered softly, "I love you Martha. I promise today will be so special." And with that, I fell asleep to the sweet sound of Niall's voice whispering sweet nothing's into my ear.


I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I breathed in the aroma and slowly got out of bed. I was in my favorite PJs that Niall got me for Christmas last year. I looked at the clock. It was 2 in the afternoon. I always slept in. It was a bad habit of mine. I walked down the hallway to the kitchen. There was a note on the counter.It said:

"Hey babe! Went out with the boys to get your birthday cake and some other surprises to make this day perfect. Love you! :) -Niall xo"

I smiled to myself as I put the note down. I decided that the boys would be here soon and that I should get ready. I went to my closet and pulled out my favorite black crop top and a short red skirt that Niall went crazy for. I showered and put on my outfit.

As I was putting on my makeup I heard the door close and five familiar muffled voices. I squealed in excitement and was about to open the door when Niall hurried into the bathroom and closed the door behind him.


"Martha! Happy Birthday baby!" He said taking me in his arms.

He lifted me up and spun me around. He put me down and examined me. He bit his bottom lip and smirked.

"Wow babe you look gorgeous." I blushed and Niall took my face in his hands.

"I love you Martha." A huge smile spread on my face.

"I love you too Niall." I said.

Our lips met and molded together into a passionate kiss. I got butterflies in my stomach as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. We were both in a trance until Louis burst through the door.

"Niall! We're done and- WHOA! Come on guys can't you wait until we're not here to do that!" Louis smiled and walked away.

Niall sighed and looked at me.

"Are you ready?" Niall asked me as our hands intertwined.I looked down at how his thumbs traced circles on my hands. Everything was perfect.

"Absolutely." I said giving him a quick kiss.

"Okay. I can't wait for you to see." Niall laughed, clearly proud of himself.

I giggled as Niall led me out of the room. Niall blocked my view the whole time. He turned around facing me, still obstructing my view.

"NIALL! Move! I wanna see!" I complained.

I was much shorter than Niall and he knew he was irritating me. Niall laughed that sexy laugh of his. I couldn't help but laugh too. He finally moved.

It was beautiful.

There a huge table filled with presents and a cake. Decorations scattered the kitchen/living room. My four best friends stood side by side smiling at my reaction. Niall moved behind me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Do you like it Martha?"

I was speechless. I loved it. It was better than I had ever imagined and Niall did it all for me.

"I love it baby!" I yelled, turning around to hug him.

His muscular arms wrapped around my waist as I heard him chuckle. The flat echoed with whoops of the boys.

"So what are we standing around here for?! LET'S PARTY!" Harry yelled.

The other boys exclaimed with him as Zayn put on the music.

"YEAH DJ MALIK!" He screamed.

Me and Niall laughed and looked at each other. He smiled down at me and kissed me nose.

 "Come on babe. Let's celebrate you."

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