Just an A/n

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Hello fellow fans of Ford x reader this is really important. I need to figure out a title for an animation that I'm going to make in the future in probably 2029 or either 30. It's about a 17 year old kid named Chase and his father died on his birthday and all remains is his father's key to a lab and ends up becoming a superhero along with his crush/friend Megan and his other friend Cameron. Chase has a 14 year old brother and his name is Steward and they end up being a superhero. Their arch enemy is named Libro Bitterscotch and he's their next door neighbor. In Chase's superhero form he's captain IDGF and in Megan's superhero form she's Mrs. Mysterious. Chase calls his brother Mr.PP {Pussy pants} and his friend Cameron is just Cameron who helps them get through situations during their missions. 

description of Chase- 

Eye color- Blue

Race-  American 

Hair color- Blonde

Jacket- Blue 

Skinny jeans- blue

Shoes- Blue and grey. 

Description of Steward-

Eye- Blue 

Race- American 

Hair- Brown 

T- shirt- Grey 

Shorts- Blue 

Shoes- Black 

Description of Megan 

Hair color- Navy blue 

Race- American 

Eye color- dark brown. 

Skirt- Navy blue

Shoes- Black 

Description of Cameron 

Hair color- Brown 

Race-  African American 

Eye color- Dark brown 

Shirt- Grey 

Pants- Black 

Shoes- Grey 

Libro Bitterscotch 

Eye- Brown 

Race- American 

Hair- Brown 

Cloak- Black 

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