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Chase's P.O.V

Last thing that I remember was having a very weird dinner with my new neighbors. Sure her daughter was hot. But there was hardly any on going conversation between us. From the little that I was able to understand from all the small talk was that Riley was fortunately in the same grade as me. But unfortunately we only had a couple classes together. If I hadn't have met her and found that out then, I would have been pretty annoyed by that fact. But since she is hot I have no problem with it and, I wouldn't mind spending more time with her.

So right now I am awarkwardly having a very weird and unwanting conversation with my mom. All about how she thinks that I already like her.

"Yes mom I do like her, even though I hardky known her. But there is just something about her that makes me attracted to her." Man please let this be over with. This has currently been going on for the past five minutes. And I was ready to just storm off in to my room for some well deserved sleep that was very much needed.

"Hmmm sure what ever you say but right now I just think that is it because she very attractive. And dont think I dont know your type. I've seen all those girls that you have brought to your room. Although not lately however. Which is good because you wouldnt want her to know about Kelsea. And what you went through to help her recover from that awful time."

"Yeah I know but I just had to help her. I couldnt handle the fact that she was hidding that from the whole school. Hell I dont think that she even told her parents about that."

" Yeah I cant blame her if she didnt tell her parents. That was some tough times. And very much depressing. She was even driven to a point were she was so depressed the she wanted to commit suicide. Im just so happy that you stayed by her side."

Man those times were some tough shit. Kelsea was a very close friend. And went out with a poor excuse for a guy, who just took her for granted. There were times when she would be calling me to be telling me she that couldnt take the way that he was treating her. Untill finaly she broke it off and let me tell, you he was not very happy about that. Unfortunately for her she had gotten her self in some deep shit with him and he wasnt ready to get rid of her. I did my best to help, her so did my mom.

After some time fighting with her peice of shit ex boyfriend. And finally getting it through his head that she doesnt want to be in an abusive relationship with him no more. And some time gaining confidence in me, I had asked her out. Although I really wanted to do it a long time ago, I just couldnt due to the fact that she was still in love with him. Anyway she said yes and let me tell you she was my longest relationship ever. And my most serious one at that. I dont think I could ever do that again. At least not till Im sure that me and my significant other are that serious.

We were very serious and would have still been together if it werent for that one thing that had gotten in the way. The very thing that had gotten her very depressed. The reason that I stayed by her side after that happened. The reason that made me have to help her. The same reason that made her want to even try and commit suicide. I can hardly try and not think about it and get very emotional about it. Me and my mom were there for ber and tryed to help her get through it.

I still remember the day that she called to tell me the awful news. She was crying out of her eyes and told me to meet her right away. As soon as I saw her I could tell that this was very bad. She ran and gave me a big hug and sobbed into my shoulder. She kept saying that shes sorry. All I could do was just hold her there and let her tell me everything.

"Babe whats wrong. What has you so sad?" I asked I asked in a softed hushed voice. I wouldnt want her to feel any worse if I just demanded that she tell me what the hell was wrong. Man that was one of the worst days that iveever been through.

"Im so s-s-sor-y. I sh-sho-uld ha-ave told y-y-ou when I was pr-pre-gnat." Shesaid in between sobsand hiccups, that were muffled by my shoulder.

" Its okay justt tell me why did you say 'was pregnant' as in past tense? Did you abort it? If you did thats fine. But I want you to know that I would have supported you even if you kept it." I asked still in a soft voice so she won't get even more sad.

"No th-ats not what I did. I lost it." And out came another longging sob. A kind that is normally made when yearnig for a lovedone that has just passed. " It was him hes the reason that I lost the b-a-baby. I have no clue how he found out I didn't even know till just a few days ago. When my per-iod didn't come. I'm sorry Chases. Please forgive me?" Now they were just small hiccups. But her voice was verry fragile.

" Of course I can forgive you Kelsea. And I swere if he ever trys to come close to you he wont like what he has coming. Just remember babe that im here fir you and so is my mom. We both care about you so much. Heck she even considers you as her daughter. So come with me and lets go tell her. Shell know what to do." And just like that thats how my mom came around to know.

After a while the depression grew depper and as time went on she was slowly losing herself. No one really knew who she was anymore. She was more to her self. Which was weird even to all her friends that were asking if she was okay. She went from sunshine and rainbows to all black and depressing colors. I once read that when you lose you baby or even when you abort it you fell all depressed.
(Well duh she just lost a part of her. Any one would feel like that.)
But only for a short amount of time.

I still cant belive that she hid it from her parents and the entire student body, at school. I should noticed it. She should have told me the time it happened. Man if only she told me. But unfortunately it was to much for her that after a long time of going through it she finally did it.

She committed suicide. Its a day that ill never forget. Every day I think about all of the 'what ifs'. What if she had told me what happened?
What if I was there for her more? What if she just told me that she was pregnant? What if I was there to stop him fro getting to her? Stop him from ever laying a hand on her. Would she have kept the baby? Would I want that responsibility? Man if only.


Unfortunately for me right now it's time to get ready for school. And as much as I want to see Riley, I have to wait until second period. Last night I had offered to drop her off and show her around to her classes. But she was determined to find her way all on her own. But with how hot she is and the fact that I am determined to make her mine i will secretly follow her to make sure that no one will become close to her. I know clingy but hey why can I do?

So here I am secretly 'stocking' her from the very uncomfortable place that is located in my front lawn. Also known as my bushes outside (please note my sarcasm). I swere that I will have at least seven splinters in my hand from all of the thorns that I keep on grabbing.

" Yeah Ill try and go visit you after school is over. Okay I love you to babe." Man I hope that she is just one of those girls that have this weird friendship with her bestfriend that is hopefuly a girl. Please be a girl.

(Man Chase get a hold of your self. You are starting to act like a fucking pussy. This is not the way that you will ever get her if that is the case with this mysterious 'lover'.)

"Hey so are you sure that you dont want a ride or a tour around the school. 'Cause the first day is knda confusing if you dont have someone to show you around." Please say yes. It would be wonderful to spend time with her, without anyone else to bother us. Unfortunately the odds weren't fully in my favor.

"How about I go in my car and you go in yours. Then we meet at school and you can show me around." I swere that this was all against me. I wanted to kind show up and 'claim' her as mine. But ill take what I can get.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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