The Monopoly Killer: Part 1

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This is my first ever mystery story. I am breaking it up into four parts. A little bit about it. I kinda took the clues solving or thinking of the Main Character from the show Sherlock. I really like how they do it in the show so I kinda brought it to my story. That's it.

"I can't stand it anymore!" Claire yelled, her coffee cup flying to the skies with the help of her hand. Passing people who had their heads down low suddenly sprung their eyes up to the golden brown haired woman. "This long without a case is killing me inside."

A hand wraps around her waist. It hoisted her back into motion. "You can't just scream out things in the middle of the crowd, Claire." Charlie, her partner in crime, hissed in her triple pierced ear. "We are trying to lay-"

"Low? With our foot in our mouths so we wouldn't be noticed?" Claire guessed. She took a sip from her styrofoam cup before throwing it onto the sidewalk. The cover flew off as it impacted the pavement and the remaining contents slowly trickled out. Claire readjusts her black coat collar before turning her back on Charlie. "I can't lay low. I need something to get the blood pumping."

Charlie bended over to grab the discarded cup while Claire fixed her white gloves. "Can't you find a hobby to do that?" he asks.

"Solving cases is my hobby, my job, my life. Without the cases, I would have-"

"No life?" he guessed, handing over Claire's cup.

Claire plucked the cup out of his hands with a frown frozen on her face. "Very funny." She chucked the cup in the garbage can. She looked up to the high rise buildings, their walls replaced with shinning windows. The cleaning platform slowly became a rectangle of gray as it rose higher. Her gaze goes back to Charlie who was standing there, hands in his gray jacket pockets and staring into the swerving crowd. His chin held on to his short black stubble and his harsh arctic blue eyes could make anyone tremble from fear.

Claire's eyes are more like a soft glow. An overhead view of a empty jack-o-lantern head. Charlie turned his head to have their eyes lock onto each other. Their eyes complement each other. It was basic science that they were destined to be partners.

Claire sighed and placed her hand on Charlie's shoulder. "I need something to do."

Charlie copied her, his hand landing on her shoulder. "Find something other than cases to do. A case is not going to fall out of the sky."

A woman's scream filled the air. A black object landed next to Charlie and Claire with a loud crack. The red contents slowly trickled out of its container. Claire looked at Charlie with a smile growing on her face. "And people say wishing for something never works."

Claire pushed through the swelling crowd around the black figure. She crouched down to get a closer look on what she's working with. The body was a male, probably the age of 28. His body lay flatly on the cold concrete, his long hair dipping into the crimson sea around him. His lips were parted just slightly to show off pearly white teeth. His dead emerald eyes were wide from shock and stared at the cloudy sky. She gently lifted his lifeless head, making sure that their eyes don't meet each other. She always hated the dead staring her in the eyes. It creeped her out. She carefully parted the blood soaked hazel hair to reveal the hidden mark. A jagged gash that produced a steady red stream into the sea sat on the back of his head. Claire set his head back down and moved to the rest of his body. His black business suit was crisp and clean with a few sprinkle like hairs resting on his shoulders. Nothing else seemed to be interesting, but she would check later. Claire looked up towards the towering window skyscraper. The gray cleaning platform was bigger than before since it moved down a couple of floors. No window was opened in the window filled building. Claire rose to her feet, her eyes still on the platform. Her eyes traced three invisible lines through the air.

"What did you get?" Charlie asked when he made it back to her after calling the cops.

"He's recently got a haircut or shaved from the small hairs on his shoulder. Someone wouldn't shave in a suit unless they were crunching for time. Judging by that, how his suit and teeth is cleaned, he must be very high up on the corporate ladder," she explained, her eyes still frozen on the invisible lines. Her finger points to one of the windows. "He fell from the window of his office since if he was pushed off of that platform," her finger traces the line, " he would've landed on the parked cars on the street. Off the roof, he would land on the platform. The window would put him in the spot he is now. He was dead before hand since his lips are not open and there was only the woman screaming. He could've been unconscious too since the gash on his head is too big for just a blunt object. Which means that the killer-"

"Could still be in the building." Charlie concluded.

Claire pulled of her blood stained gloves. "Shall we go inside?" she asked, throwing the gloves in the trash.

They made their way into the corporate building. As always, security stopped them at the door. They were quickly dismissed when Charlie and Claire flash their police badges and made sure to watch the entrances. Charlie and Claire hurriedly climbed up the flights of stairs to the other crime scene. A security team had already blocked off the office. They weren't being persuaded by the pair of matching badges that the team bore. Claire took a peek inside the room.

The floor was covered with black carpet. The walls were painted white with a brown trim. The man's desk was covered in photo frames, silly desk toys, and a cup full of pens. A brown bookshelf sat behind the desk with many spines of books poking out.

The security guard shifted his position, cutting off Claire's sight in the room. Claire's top lip twitched as she tried to keep her temper under control. "Allow us in. We are investigating what happened," she growls.

"There's nothing to investigate," someone answered behind them. Claire turned to see her favorite fellow officer, Asher. He waddles past Charlie and Claire to talk to the security. "He obviously just wanted a quick way out."

He gave them clearance to enter and smugly took his stand in the room. Claire stared him right in his glasses lens. "What if it wasn't? It could be-"

"Just a suicide," Asher claimed, crossing his big arms over his flabby chest. "It nothing special."

Claire takes a step forward, her nose an inch away from his. "How can this be nothing special? This could be connected to the many 'suicides' or 'accidents' that you claim are happening. There's something going on here."

Asher's ocean eyes rolled around his head. "Stick your nose into this. I don't care. At least you'll stay out of my hair."

Claire's pumpkin eyes glanced at the shining surface on top of Asher. Asher expression changed to an angry frown and shambled to the victim's desk. Charlie replaced where Asher stood. Claire sighed. "Why must he be on this case? Just a suicide, my ass."

"Well, here's something to get that off your mind," he hands over a tan folder. Claire slid her finger between the pages and pulled the folder open. Charlie read off the info he acquired. "The victim is Shaun Kelley. Age 30."

"So close," Claire hissed as her eyes moved across the page. "I got to get better at age guessing."

Charlie smiled before continuing. "He was the CFO of the company before taking the daring skydive out the window. One of the youngest, back in the day."

"Always have to be the youngest. Have they taken away the body yet? I didn't have the chance to check the pockets."

"Yes, they were quick to clean up. Security team hasn't seen anyone suspicious yet."

"The killer could be already gone by now. Any leads?"

"We have his wife and the many employes here."

"I'll take the wife. It's always nice to talk to a woman when you are mourning."

"I will meet you back at the station."

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