Wollow Falls Leo and Amanda

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Prologue of Amanda

"Wake up sleepyhead" said her mom.
" I'm awake" Amanda says even though she is not.
" Its almost time for your party", she says

"Just give me a second." Says Amanda. Her mom goes out and leaves her alone to get dressed. Amanda rolls out of bed to get dressed. She goes to her closet and chooses a light blue shirt with fake diamonds studded on the sleeves. She also chose some jean shorts. After she got dressed she went in to the bathroom brushed teeth, combed/brushed hair, and did her hair. She went down stairs grabbed a muffin and sat down in a chair.
Her mom says, " why don't you go over to Leo's house
" Okay mom" , she answers
She then finishes her muffin grabs her phone, and gets her bike. She get over to Leo's house in only a few minutes. She goes and knocks on the door. Leo answers the door. He lets me in. He looks at me, and asks " Do you want to go to my room or some where else?"
" Your room" I say.
He leads me to his room and says, " you're mom sent you here didn't she?"
" yes." I say.
"I just wanted to talk to you alone." He says quietly.

Willow falls Leo and Amanda (on hold)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu