chapter three

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Luna's been talking non-stop about the brown haired boy named Harry. From what I hear, he sounds like a nice guy and it's obvious Luna's taking a liking in him. I hope everything works out with them considering we've never actually had any real relationships. Luna has had one boyfriend before in middle school, but it doesn't count to her since they didn't even talk. Personally I've never had any desire to start a relationship. Whenever I liked a boy in school he would always go for the popular girls. I guess that's how it works, popularity and all.
"So when are we actually going to meet this Harry?" I asked as I got up to put my plate in the sink. "I don't know. It's not like anything serious is going on between us." Luna says picking up her glass. "Really, because from what you've told us he stops talking to other girls just so he can talk to you. And you said you've caught him starring a few times." I said back giving her a look. "Well yeah, but I don't know. I mean, yeah I like to think that he likes me but I'm not 100% sure." She says. "Well ask him to come over to dinner some time. And if you're worried it'll be awkward just tell him to bring some of his friends or something." I said. Honestly I really want to meet Harry and see them two together. "Ok, maybe I'll ask him tomorrow." She says while walking into her room with a smile plastered on her face. "Hey Sami, I'm going to take a shower then I'll come help with the clean up." I say once Luna's in her room. "Ok that's fine." Sami said back as I walked into our shared bathroom.
Pulling my hair out of its messy bun, I let it flow down the small if my back. My hair is about halfway down my back and I've been wanting to grow it out a little longer just because.
After my shower I wrapped my dripping body in a warm, fluffy towel. I combed through my thick damp hair in hopes of getting all the tangles and knot out of it. Tonight I don't think we have any plans besides our usual. Some nights we'll have dance parties where we order pizza and play our favorite records at the moment. Some nights we watch movies until really late at night. And some nights we just sit and talk or even go out to get ice cream or something like that.
Anyways, I put on my favorite pj shirt which is a loose fitting grey tee with some shorts I got from our favorite local store here. Tomorrow I don't have work until 12 which is great for me. I really hope Luna talks to Harry and gets him over here for dinner or something soon, I want to meet this guy.
(I'm not going to lie, I did forget I had this story and have writers block but here's a small filler)

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