chapter four

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My shift ended around 6 today. I packed up to head home for the night saying bye to my manager. As I'm walking I see Luna's not working at her post for the rest of the night. I think I saw Harry, not sure if it was him or not just guessing. I took in all the beauty from the ocean. It's waves, crashing on the shore every 3 seconds, the kids sand castles built up slowly falling apart, and the beach towels from parents lounging on. I smiled to myself as flashbacks of my friends and I at the beach as little girls pretending we were mermaids as we swam in the ocean. We did a lot together, still do.
As I walk down the darker part of the road it reminds me of the terrible dream I had last night. Too hard to explain, let's just say I've had a lot of bad experiences in the dark. I haven't had a nightmare in months. They became less frequent since my therapy has paid off. Of course there are still some night where my past comes back to haunt me.
I opened the door to our place to be met with Luna in a joyful mood in the kitchen. "What's with you?" I asked taking a bottle of water out of the fridge and sitting down in front of her. "Harry said he'll come over and have dinner with all of us. And he is going to invite a few of his friends!" She said wiggling her eyebrows at me. "Uhh. What if I don't like them or they don't like me or they all want you or-" I said rambling on. "Relax, he's bringing like four other guys at least one of them will ketch your eye." Said said. She has a point but still, you never know. "Hey Sage I'm not working tomorrow. I'm taking the day off to clean this place up." Luna shouts from the other room. "Maybe you could take a sick day and help your good friend out." She said turning the corner to give me her big puppy dog eyes. "I don't know, I have to help work the cash register and serve customers." I said. "Oh come on you're the only one who actually works in there, make someone else do it for a day. Seriously you work harder than anyone else in that place." She said. It's true though, one time the girl I worked with took a nap every time our boss left to get more ingredients or for home. "Ok, ok I'll call tomorrow morning." I said giving into Luna's persuasion. "Thank you thank you thank you!" She cheered jogging back to her room.
I decided to take a bath tonight to relax my mind and body since I don't have to work tomorrow. I let the soft music ring through the room from the tiny radio in the corner. I love nights like these, just sitting alone enjoying the quietness. Don't get me wrong I also love the nights where we all watch movies in the living room together or go out for a late drive down to the beach to sit and watch the sun set. I also love when we go on camping trips but nights like these are amazing.
Two hours later it was already 11. Luna was up in the living room watching a tv series and Sami was already asleep. She's someone that if she doesn't go to bed before 10 she most likely going to be grumpy in the morning. As for me I was actually excited for tomorrow. I've thought the situation through and I think it's probably time to look around. I've never wanted to start a real relationship until now. Luna's right there's got to be someone Harry brings for me, and if not then at least I know what not to look for, I guess. I don't know I'm kinda new to this. Luna really likes this guy so I should trust him. He obviously makes her so happy even when she knows she'll have to get up at 7a.m. she's happy. That's what is like to have. Someone to make me that happy. I know I have the girls which they make me beyond happy but you know what I mean. It all depends on what happens tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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