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(a collection of rules I pulled from other RPs)

1. No racial slurs or anything offensive towards race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, etc. If such words are used, the user has a high chance of being kicked from the RP. Cursing is allowed, but don't overuse it.

2. No smut, please. I, personally, am not a fan of smut and do not prefer it to be displayed in this roleplay. Relationships are allowed, but please, keep it PG. Kissing and holding hands are perfectly fine.

3. No incredibly powerful or god-like characters. Though powers are allowed, do not make one too powerful to the point where they are invincible or unable to be injured or killed. Everyone has a weakness. Also, no Mary Sues or whatever they're called.

4. If you want to do something in the RP majorly involving a character that is not your own, please ask the other user. Try not to RP characters that aren't your own, unless the user with that character has already written about it.

5. If you don't reply to the roleplay for more than two weeks without an explanation, we've got a problem. I'm not going to make you roleplay if I'm not, but please try to be as active as possible. It's no fun when a story is told without all the characters.

6. Each reply should be in the correct format. Use complete sentences and proper punctuation in third person. Also, please try to make each response at least two or three sentences long instead of many different responses. Therefore, there is less notification clutter.

For example: Calypso walked towards the library to research more on the Ceto kingdom. As she neared the door, she sensed a presence behind her...

Instead of: *Calypso walks toward library and stops* What was that? *turns around*

7. The password is Delphi (just to make sure you read the rules!)

8. Please use these symbols while writing!

" " = dialogue/a character speaking

' ' = a character thinking

(( )) = non-RP talking between users

* = corrections (after reply is posted)

9. Also, please tag other roleplayers! You do not have to tag me.

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