Chapter Six: Broken Pieces: Part Three

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The night became spooky waiting for them to arrive. On that point are some weird noises coming from the woods again. The lights appeared to come straight for them. Damara felt relief, staring at their lights. She notices Ian was driving, quickly. Damara did not see Saxton with him. The confusion crosses her mind, hoping he was okay. He stops getting out of the car to Help Everett inside the truck. Saxton in the back seat too. Ian started to hear noises in the woods.

"Please, get inside the damn truck, Ian. There something surrounds; get us out of here." Damara responded.

He got inside the vehicle and step on the panel, speeding off.

"What do you mean, all around us? Talk to me, Damara." Ian reply.

"You do not want to know, Ian, just drive." Damara replied.

At the end of the woods, there was a crossroads. A white van was in the middle of the road. Ian Quickly stopped the car. Damara and Ian get out of Saxton truck. Ian looked at it, opening the back; no one was in it. Damara touches the hood and still warm as if someone was driving it. Damara put a van in neutral. Both begin to push it out of the way. Ian was walking back to the truck. He notices a door opened on Everett side.

"We have a problem, Everett is gone." Ian {yelled} out."

"What do you mean, gone? He was just there; we were only gone for a few minutes. It is not as if he could go anywhere. Everett had a broken leg, Ian." Damara {screams} out.

She grabs a flashlight from a backseat.

"No, we are not going to find him, right now. We have to get going, Damara." Ian responded.

It started to get windy outside. The cold breeze comes across their windshield. He drives off fast. He arrived at the hospital, rushed in, asks for a doctor.

"I need a doctor; the sheriff was in an accident, again. I have no idea something came after us. Something knew we were there. It happened when we were on a call." Ian replied.

Ian and a doctor came out to get Saxton out of Saxton's truck. The doctor saw some blood spots in the other seat. He was wondering if there was something else with them.

"Is that from him or someone else?" The doctor asked.

"No, it was from one of our other deputies. We do not know what happened to him. He was in the truck and then gone the next. We do not know what is going on. We have not even checked in yet; give me a call when Saxton is awoken." Ian explained.

"Alright, I will let you know, Ian." The doctor replied.

Ian and Damara left back to the station. Twenty minutes later, when they arrived back at the station. They saw lights were flicking on and off continuously inside. Phones were off, ringing. Both walked inside. The other deputies are panicking over it. Ian answered one of the phones. A strange voice came on the phone.

"You all are going to die. You are going to die, sooner than others, Ian Powell." A voice responded.

What frightened him it said to him? Everything stopped, suddenly, deputies just sat there. Ian stared at Damara in fear of what he just heard on the phone. She knew Ian was in fear with the look on his face. After that place was quiet, no one was talking about what just happened. Everyone thought it was an electric problem. Ian knew something different now of what he saw.

"What was it, Ian? You look spooks out, more than, earlier." Damara responded, worriedly.

Ian turned back away, walked to his desk. He was waiting on a call from the hospital. Starla showed up at the station. She was wondering what happen to Saxton again. Ian saw Starla walking through their glass doors. She looks angry the way, she came in. Starla slammed her purse on Damara desk wanting answers. Damara did not know what to say to her.

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